Twitch streamer Kanel Joseph shared a vulnerable moment with his followers after he broke down while on live stream. The 21-year-old, who is from Orlando, Florida, has almost 81K followers on Twitch and 500K followers on TikTok. In the live stream, Joseph said:
“I'm tired of people thinking I'm inconsistent”
In his most recent Twitch stream, Joseph broke down into tears, stating that he had something:
“To get off his f**king chest.”
He then went on to say that he was tired of people thinking he was inconsistent in his content. He insisted that:
“Deada** i try, i try bro, and i am tired of people sitting here and going, Oh, he doesn’t care, he fell off, he doesn’t work his a*s off”
Joseph continued, saying:
“Shit happens, it’s life. I have been fucked over by so many poeple, who take advantage of my kindness.”
Joseph’s moment of vulnerability was appreciated by his followers, many of whom expressed their support and understanding.
Kanel Joseph recently got into trouble for streaming inside an Office Depot branch
Kanel Joseph is well known for his many prank videos involving the public, including impersonating different kinds of workers. He broke into the scene on November 29, 2016, with his first video, titled My school did the BookBagChallenge.
The streamer was in the news recently after a prank went wrong in an Office Depot. As fresh content for his Twitch channel, Joseph brought his streaming gear into an Office Depot branch, for his broadcast on February 28, 2024. He set up a desk area inside the store, all set to stream, only to get interrupted by an employee threatening to call security if Joseph didn’t get up and leave.
Kanel Joseph attempted to plead his case, saying:
“I’m just trying to become the next part-time streamer”
However, his pleas fell on deaf ears and his stream was cut short when the employee appeared to disconnect it, despite the Twitch streamer’s requests not to unplug the system.