Haliey Welch, better known as the "Hawk Tuah girl," has once again gone viral on social media. For context, on December 4, 2024, the internet personality launched $HAWK, a meme coin on the Solana blockchain. However, the cryptocurrency's value quickly plummeted, dropping to $60 million from its initial valuation of $500 million.
The situation resulted in Welch receiving widespread criticism from netizens, with some accusing her of crypto rug-pulling, insider trading, and "scamming" her fanbase.
Popular streamers have expressed their opinions on the situation, with Twitch and Kick star Felix "xQc" calling Haliey Welch's new venture a "fraud." While reacting to Charlie "MoistCr1TiKaL's" video about the controversy, the former Overwatch pro remarked:
"Chat, meme coin is, 'It's a joke for me, it's a loss for you,' is what it means. It's a meme coin because the creators find it funny because they're the ones that gain off it, right? But for everybody else, it's just a f**king... it's just a fraud."
xQc then responded to those who claimed that people who bought Welch's meme coin "deserved to get scammed" by saying:
"Guys, I agree with the fact that people that buy into this s**t deserve to get scammed. Right? But, at the same time, you need to understand, I want to be with you on that energy, and I kind of am. But at the same time, a lot of the mainstream people that are from major places like TikTok or whatever, they don't know what meme coins are. They don't know what scams are and they buy into it."
"I just don't understand how anybody could buy into this s**t!" - Asmongold reacts to Haliey Welch's cryptocurrency scandal
Twitch streamer Zack "Asmongold" has also commented on the controversy surrounding Haliey Welch. During a Just Chatting livestream on December 5, 2024, the One True King (OTK) co-founder came across YouTube investigator Coffeezilla's confrontation with Welch and her team in response to the alleged crypto scam.
After hearing Doc Hollywood, a member of the Hawk Tuah girls' team, claim that the meme coin was not a rug pull and mention how much it costs for lawyer fees to "create a foundation in the Caymen Islands," Asmongold said:
"How does that... I don't think that argument is as good as he thinks it is. Do you know how much it is to hire people to set up an offshore bank account in a place that doesn't have a lot of laws? This is like you rob a bank and they're like, 'Why did you do it?' 'Do you see how expensive the f**king getaway car is?!'"
Asmongold's attention was then drawn to a live viewer, who described the controversy as "not a scam, but a scheme." In response, the Texan stated:
"Thank god, people are talking about this. 'Yeah, it's not a scam, it's a scheme.' I just don't understand how anybody could buy into this s**t!"
League of Legends streamer Dantes has also weighed in on the controversy, claiming that Haliey Welch "ruined his life" and expressing hope that she "rot in prison."