Controversial internet personality Jack Doherty, who has been unbanned on Kick, recently took the opportunity to level allegations against Ragnesh "N3on" amid their ongoing feud. For those out of the loop, the two Kick stars garnered attention on June 22, 2024, when they got into a physical fight during an IRL stream. Their channels on the Stake-backed platform were eventually suspended.
Five days later, Doherty returned to livestreaming and alleged that N3on viewbots his broadcasts. Claiming that the Indian-American personality's channel has "50,000 viewbots" during each livestream, he said:
"...His old manager, Kayn, I know he f**king hates him. He tells me everything. I know everything about that motherf**ker! He has 50k viewbots, so anything he has over 50k (viewers), is what he actually has. So, if he has '55k actual views,' right? That means he has 5k live viewers. Like bro, you're not that guy with f**king 5k live viewers."
The 20-year-old continued:
"Like, 'Oh my god! I'm so proud of you!' 5,000 people giving a s**t about you. Like, no! They don't. No one cares!"
According to Jack Doherty, N3on's recent livestream with 100,000 concurrent viewers had "8,000" genuine viewers. He elaborated:
"And then yesterday, 100k viewbots. I think he had 108k viewers live. So, he had only 8,000 live viewers. So yeah, it's very far off. That means what? 92% of his views are bots. It's amazing! Good for you!"
What has N3on said about his fight with Jack Doherty following his return?
N3on returned to livestreaming on June 26, 2024, and hosted a short livestream to address his audience about his fight with Jack Doherty. During the concluding moments of the broadcast, the 19-year-old disclosed that he had never been "swung" in his life:
"Chat, I've never been swung on in my life, bro. I've never been swung on. I've never been run up on. So, that s**t did change me. You believe it or not, that did change me."
N3on went on to say that he "didn't feel like a pu**y anymore," adding that he was enraged:
"I don't feel like a pu**y anymore. I feel like... for the first time in my life, I have anger in me. I have anger in me. I have real, like, I don't know how to explain in it."
This is not the first time N3on has been accused of view-botting his Kick channel. On April 11, 2024, Twitch streamer Rani "Stable Ronaldo" claimed that N3on view-botted his channel during his feud with Nicholas "Jynxzi."