Internet personality Daniel "Keemstar," popularly known as the host of Drama Alert, posted on X on July 16, 2024, in response to a recent rant by Yousef "Fousey" during his Kick livestream. Fousey had stated that he was "not willing to be content" anymore after years of pursuing content creation online, an activity which he described as "humiliating" and involving him "selling his soul."
In response to the clip, Keemstar stated that Fousey was "acting" about harboring morals. Furthermore, he alleged that the latter did not contribute any work towards the boxing promotion company the pair had started together, named Happy Punch Promotions.
He also stated that he was allegedly "forced" to purchase his shares from the company, and in return, give him money that he "did not earn." He wrote:
"Fousey acting like he has morals is hilarious. Bro started a company with me, didn’t do any work. I was forced to buy his shares (basically give him six figures when he didn’t earn any of it). Then he made a competing company tried to steal my talent and made up lies about me!"
"I'm not willing to be content anymore": Fousey goes on a rant against his audience during Kick livestream
Joining the industry in 2011, Fousey is known as a controversial figure in the content creation community. The creator has discussed his mental health issues many times after suffering a mental breakdown during a Kick livestream in August 2023.
After going on a hiatus for a year, the creator returned to reveal his struggles with depression and said that he had attempted to take his own life at one point.
Talking about his new perspective towards content creation, and how it would alienate a certain section of his audience, Fousey went on a tirade during his Kick stream. He could be heard telling his audience:
"Enough with y'all, break up right now, get the f**k out of my chat, unsubscribe, and don't ever, ever, ever, come back here, genuinely. I know that's what content is. I'm not willing to be content anymore. I'm not willing to have people talk about me at my own expense of my mental health. I'm not willing to make myself look like a f**king idiot just for the internet's attention, like, validation."
Fousey was recently the victim of swatting while he was streaming from within his car, which was parked in a lot. The creator was approached by police and asked to put his hands up. He eventually talked to the police and was let go after they realized there was no actual threat present at the scene.