Prime Hydration co-founder Olajide "KSI" recently made a post on TikTok, teasing his upcoming new song. In the video, KSI can be seen holding a bottle of Prime. As he opens the bottle, the track starts playing, with it stopping as soon as he closes the bottle back up. In the remainder of the video, the YouTuber can be seen playfully putting the cap of the bottle on and off, with his song stopping and resuming play in the background.
The song, which forms yet another addition to his extensive discography comprising more than twenty singles, is reportedly scheduled to be released next week.
KSI to release new song featuring Trippie Redd next week
KSI has a well-established discography, having released two studio albums, a collaborative album, four EPs, and dozens of singles as the lead artist as well as a featured artist. During his musical journey, the YouTuber has collaborated with many big names within the hip-hop industry, including Lil Pump, Rick Ross, Tion Wayne, Lil Baby, and Smokepurpp.
With KSI being a part of such collaborative ventures on the regular, it is no surprise that the content creator has teamed up with yet another big artist for his latest song. This time, KSI will be accompanied by American rapper Trippie Redd.
In the weeks leading up to it, KSI has been generating much hype for the release of his song. He even ended up performing it at the Misfits & DAZN: X Series 17 event as well. This marked his return to live performances, after years of being inactive following his tour in Europe.
He has also released YouTube shorts on his music channel, where he gives a behind-the-scenes look into the song's filming process, with a segment of the song running in the background.
In a new development to the ongoing drama with YouTuber DanTDM over KSI's new Lunchly product, the former has been called out by the Prime Hydration promoter in yet another post on X. While calling DanTDM a "dumba**", KSI proceeded to defend Marques Brownlee's recently unveiled and much-criticized wallpaper app.