YouTube Gaming star Rachell "Valkyrae" has gone viral after a video in which she spoke about her attire surfaced on social media. On December 30, 2024, a 22-second clip from the most recent episode of the Press ESC podcast started circulating on X. In it, Rae claimed to have 'forgotten to wear underwear' and said:
"Okay, admittedly, I forgot to wear underwear today, and Emily got these really cute pajamas, and my c***hie might be showing. So, if you guys saw my c*ochie, I'm so sorry."
In response, Press ESC podcast host Lisa "Alythuh" mentioned that not wearing underwear could be healthy:
"You know, that's so healthy for your vaginal health to be commando because it lets the air out, and it's not congested. So you should sleep without underwear if you do that."
Valkyrae then spoke about the way she prefers to sleep:
"I like sleeping naked. I do. I do. I feel like the extra clothing is just, like, sometimes you wear a big bag... it's either I'm naked or I have a big baggy shirt. And, I just sometimes, I start choking on the shirt. It's too much."
Timestamp - 00:47:50
The clip where Valkyrae mentions that she 'forgot to wear underwear' has received more than 4.6 million views and over 42,000 likes on X. @yoxics, the user who posted this video, was taken aback by her admission and wrote:
"Valkyrae, you did not need to tell us this."
Here's how other users reacted to the social media post:
"Was not familiar with this side of her," X user @sebsanchezz commented.
"Rae out here sharing DLC content we didn't unlock yet," X user @TheHeroOfLight tweeted.
"LOL, it's like when Disney channel kids finally left Disney channel," X user @Zurielioo remarked.
"Nah, I love this Valk, more open and she keeps on the pods, so W," X user @WestNecromancr wrote.
Valkyrae opens up about streaming on Twitch after exclusively broadcasting on YouTube for five years
On the same episode of the Press ESC podcast, Valkyrae discussed her YouTube-exclusive streaming contract and her plan to broadcast on Twitch once it expires.
"I'm going to streaming on Twitch when my contract is over. [Alythuh inquires, 'How are you feeling about that? Making the switch.'] It's bittersweet. YouTube treated me really well. I'm really grateful, life-changing money, obviously. I will never take that for granted. I will never forget just how lucky I was to have that type of contract. I really do think it was the right time, the right place, and I feel like I won the lottery. I truly do."
Timestamp - 00:14:00
This is not the only time Valkyrae has gone viral recently. On December 14, 2024, the streamer garnered attention on social media after revealing a private message from American rapper Snoop Dogg.