A new controversy has emerged in the streaming community, with Ragnesh "N3on" accusing Kick streamer Fefe of sending inappropriate messages to minors. On October 24, 2024, Fefe confronted N3on after he decided to kick her out of his ongoing 24/7 subathon. When asked why he took the action, the Indian-American personality stated:
"No. I can't have content with, like, weirdos. They said you're sending, like, pictures to underage kids and s**t. Sweater (Kick streamer Adrian 'SweaterGXD'), you have screenshots, right?"
In response, Fefe accused N3on of harboring a "toxic community":
"You don't want content? I'm not a weirdo, though. So you're going to believe trolls online. You know your community is toxic and trolling. You even said it yourself. Hey, but I literally approved of the person's age. People are talking s**t on my name! The same people who wanted to dox me."
While being escorted by the 20-year-old's security, Fefe claimed that people were "lying" about her because she had "haters." She elaborated:
"That's crazy! Imagine believing the people that swatted you. That's crazy! You don't want my content? Nice! You all want content, but you can't handle content, I guess. I actually have proof, though. Like, what?! People want to lie on my name. That's fair? I'm a streamer trying to come up. I have haters because I'm doing something right!"
"Did you flash in a Discord with a bunch of little kids?" - N3on levels serious allegations against Kick streamer Fefe after kicking her out of his 24/7 subathon
During the same livestream, N3on confronted Kick streamer Fefe about her alleged actions after kicking her out of his 24/7 subathon. While asking Fefe whether she'd used a racial slur or engaged in questionable behavior in a Discord server, N3on said:
"Listen, I heard you say the hard R. Right? Can you explain that one? Did you flash in a Discord, like, with a bunch of little kids? All right, we've got to..."
In response to these allegations, Fefe said:
"A lot of people can fake s**t. People have faked screenshots of me saying s**t. No! People faked screenshots. There is AI. No. I was blacked-out drunk and flashed on my stream by accident, and that was it!"
Sharing his thoughts on the situation, N3on remarked:
"That b**ch is so f**king weird, bro!"
In other news, N3on was suspended from Kick for three days on October 13, 2024, after Izi Prime threatened to assault SweaterGXD during his subathon.