Twitch streamer Nadia Amine has made a public post criticizing Delta Force, the free-to-play first-person tactical shooter game. The game launched its Open Beta on December 5, 2024, with Nadia being announced as one of the partnered streamers. However, owing to the cheating allegations about the streamer cropping up, the developers deleted the post and later revealed they were investigating her.
Despite the litany of allegations against Nadia, there seems to be a lack of any concrete evidence to prove that she has cheated in her gaming endeavors. Delta Force, however, has gone ahead without her. This naturally upset the streamer, who later in her post, labeled it as "unprofessional."
For those curious, here are some of the streamers currently with Delta Force:
- Tarik Celik
- Tyson "TenZ"
- Aydan
- Kyedae
- Matthew "Nadeshot"
- Mason "Symfuhny"
"What kind of f**king business is this?" - Nadia calls out Delta Force for dropping her over cheating allegations
Twitch streamer Nadia Amine expressed her frustration after Delta Force initially announced her as one of their partnered streamers, but later removed her from the roster due to cheating allegations. In response, Nadia went public, criticizing their decision:
"These guys are so unprofessional. They made a tweet about investigating me, their talent because people believe everything they see and spread lies about me."
She revealed that she was instructed to hold off on making any public posts until Delta Force had reached a decision. However, she later noticed that they had announced the official list of streaming partners without including her. Nadia made her thoughts clear on this as well, writing:
"I told them I was going to go public with me leaving, and then they told me AGAIN to wait so they can “coordinate with their team”. BUT then, they went public with me not being a talent anymore first, still not addressing the deleted 'investigation,' which then makes me look guilty."
She added:
"What kind of f**king business is this?"
Nadia Amine, a 24-year-old Twitch streamer with over 1.2 million followers, is primarily known for her Call of Duty: Warzone gameplay. The cheating allegations against her stem from what some have described as questionable moments during her gameplay. However, it's important to note that no concrete evidence has been presented to substantiate these claims.