OnlyFangs, the popular World of Warcraft (WoW) Classic Hardcore guild, is set to host a Molten Core raid. For those wondering, a Molten Core raid is a 40-player raid dungeon within the game. It is located deep within Blackrock Mountain. The final boss is Ragnaros, the Firelord. On January 30, 2025, Chance "Sodapoppin" revealed the official roster of the raid.
This article will go through the names that have been selected and the roles each member has been assigned.
Sodapoppin reveals 40-player roster for OnlyFangs Molten Core Hardcore Raid
Twitch streamer and OTK (Only True King) member Sodapoppin recently revealed the 4-player roster for the upcoming Molten Core Hardcore Raid. It is considered one of the first major raid challenges in World of Warcraft.
Sodapoppin live-streamed the entire selection process. In the end, he shortlisted these 40 players:
- Tyler "Loltyler1"
- Matthew "Mizkif"
- Chance "Sodapoppin"
- Mary "Marymaybe"
Warrior DPS:
- Jason "Pikaboo"
- Josh "XARYU"
- Annie "AnnieFuchsia"
- Jeanette "Sardaco"
- OzyFallz
- J1mmy
- Graycen
- Jaryd "Summit1g"
- Jesse "Moonmoon"
- Yamato "Yamatosdeath"
- Rav "Ravtheavatar"
- Frederic "Payo"
- Danil "Dendi"
- Austin "LoLGeranimo"
- SunGlitters
- Mohamed "Ziqo"
- Lacari
- Cobalstreak
- "Markus" Guzu
- Rakuula
- Zeroji
- Vei
- Georgie "Pokelawls"
- Alfie
- Sophia "Soap"
- Julia "Juliakins"
- Wisetauren "Weedelf"
- Hannah "Distortion2"
- Daniel "JokerdTV"
- Savix
- Triumphantmf
- Manuel "Grubby"
- Miranda "Stormfall33"
- Amanda "Fandy"

What is the goal of the Molten Core Hardcore Raid?
The goal of the Molten Core Hardcore Raid is to successfully clear Molten Core without a single death. The first raids will be led by Sodapoppin and Tyler1, but leadership will rotate weekly. Several restrictions are in place to increase the challenge.
Since this is a Horde-side raid, there are no Paladin buffs, making fights like Onyxia and the Core Hound packs significantly more difficult. Additionally, world buffs are heavily limited — only the Onyxia buff is allowed for Molten Core. This means players cannot use buffs from Dire Maul Tribute (DMT), Zul'Gurub (ZG), or AQ20 gear.
The event will be broadcast on Sodapoppin and Tyler1's official Twitch channels, starting on February 1, 2025. They are as follows:
- Click here to go to Sodapoppin's page
- Click here to go to Tyler1's page
Additional links and details will be available on the official website.