Alexis "Quackity," a prominent content creator known for his engaging Minecraft streams and innovative events, has recently announced an ambitious new project: a global game show that allows creators from any country, speaking any language, to compete against each other in real-time translation. This event, due to release sometime in January 2025, is titled "Quackity's International Gameshow."
This initiative builds upon Alexis' previous ventures into multilingual content, notably the QSMP (Quackity's Survival Multiplayer) server, which was introduced as the first-ever bilingual Minecraft server.
With his latest project, the streamer is expected to unify Minecraft creators of different linguistic backgrounds:
"Introducing the first-ever global game show, where creators from any country, speaking any language, will be able to compete against each other with real-time translation."
The upcoming game show potentially aims to foster a more inclusive and interconnected community by breaking down language barriers and enabling creators worldwide to collaborate and compete seamlessly.
Introducing "Quackity's International Gameshow," a Minecraft gameshow aiming to break language barriers
Alexis is of Mexican origin and in the past, has struggled to communicate with his English and Spanish-speaking audiences, particularly while making announcements for his infamous Minecraft server, QSMP:
"Because I am Mexican, and I was born and raised in Mexico. Unfortunately, a lot of people did not like that I was doing these announcements in Spanish and also a lot of people did end up mistranslating a lot of things that I would say."
Initially accommodating English and Spanish speakers, QSMP expanded to include Brazilian Portuguese, French, Korean, and German communities. This inclusivity was facilitated by a custom real-time translation mod, enabling seamless communication among players.
The server employed the Qlobal Translator, a mod that provides live translations of both voice and text communications.
Apart from QSMP, the streamer was also a prominent member of arguably the most popular Minecraft creator server, The Dream SMP. He joined the server on August 17, 2020, and portrayed a multifaceted character who held several significant positions.
In other news, CaseOh and Quackity have teamed up to promote Minecraft's "The Garden Awakens" update, which introduces the Pale Garden biome, the Creaking mob, and new building and decorative blocks.