Twitch streamer Rani "Stable Ronaldo" has updated the community following the evacuation of the FaZe House due to wildfires in Los Angeles, California. On January 9, 2025, the content creator hosted a livestream titled I Survived 1/8/25..., in which he claimed that someone attempted to loot the house and was nearly shot.
Stating that it wasn't safe for him to say at the FaZe House, the Fortnite streamer remarked:
"Shout out to Boba for coming over and packing things (and) helping me. She's also going to give me a place to stay because I don't think it's safe for me to sleep here. I will be honest with you, someone tried to rob the house last night, he almost got shot, whoever that was. Shout out to the security here. We have great security. We have a very great 24/7 security."
According to Stable Ronaldo, an individual approached the FaZe Clan House in a Mercedes-Benz car. Seeing this, the security at the residence confronted the person with a gun:
"Someone tried walking up to the house, basically, in a Mercedes, and then he spun away because our security came out with the gun and said, 'Get the f**k out of here.'"
"I was told that I could get cancer" - FaZe Stable Ronaldo updates the community following the Los Angeles wildfire situation on January 8, 2025
After claiming that someone attempted to rob the FaZe House during the California wildfires, Stable Ronaldo commented on the air quality in the area. The Twitch streamer claimed to have been told he "could get cancer":
"Anyways, the house made it, it's not on fire. But I will tell you one thing, it is very scary being here because the air is bad. I was told that I could get cancer. Is that bad for me? I'm assuming that's bad for me. That's what I was told. I'm assuming that's bad for me, that's what everyone was telling me."
Timestamp - 00:06:35
The 21-year-old then asked his live audience if it was "bad" to breathe in ash:
"Is it that bad to breathe in ash? My nose is stuffed, and if I try taking in a big breath, like, I catch my breath. It hurts. Is that normal? Is that normal or is that bad?"
In addition to Stable Ronaldo, FaZe Adapt hosted a livestream following the January 8, 2025 incident, stating that FaZe House was "okay" amid the LA wildfires.