On January 23, 2025, streamer and cosplayer Pinkchyu announced that she had filed a police report for sexual assault. In a post made using her alternate X handle, @pinkchyowo, the content creator stated that she had filed a police report on January 22, 2025, and shared an infographic showing that out of every 1,000 sexual assaults, 975 perpetrators would walk free.
She posted:
"Yesterday, I filed a police report."
The social media post has garnered significant traction, with numerous netizens believing that Pinkchyu had filed a police report against fellow Twitch streamer John "Tectone."
For context, in November 2024, Pinkchyu posted a series of posts on X, accusing an unnamed individual of sexual abuse. The situation prompted the online community to speculate that she was talking about her experience with Tectone.
An excerpt from one of her posts reads:
"Guilt trips you into giving bjs and says, 'Do your job, you don’t pay rent,' 'I took you to a water park so you owe me,' and all you can do is sleep upstairs cause you know what he's going to keep telling you to do. He doesn't touch you, doesn't have sex with you, just keeps you around as a b* machine and degrades you. Makes you feel ugly."
Daniel "Keemstar's" Drama Alert reported the following on January 23, 2025:
"Tectone's ex-girlfriend has filed a police report, after accusing him of SA."
X user @Awk20000 posted:
"Pinkchyu announces she filed a police report against Tectone yesterday. Based on her tweet... It appears it could be for s*xual assault."
What has Tectone said about streamer Pinkchyu's allegations of sexual assault?
On January 15, 2025, Tectone responded to Pinkchyu's allegations of sexual assault in a detailed X post. According to the gacha game streamer, Pinkchyu didn't explicitly name him so she could "claim plausible deniability."
After claiming that the cosplayer's strategy was to "post vague comments about him" so that "others would connect the dots," the former One True King (OTK) member responded to accusations of rape and sexual assault by writing:
"Let me be clear: false accusations of rape or sexual assault (SA) are not just harmful—they’re reprehensible. These are serious matters, and making false claims is beyond unforgivable. Every single accusation Pink has made against me is false. There are no police reports, no legal action—because there’s nothing to stand on. Her behavior stems from resentment because I moved on from our relationship faster than she wanted."
As of this writing, Tectone has not commented on Pinkchyu supposedly filing a police case against him.