A clip featuring popular streamer Turner "Tfue" shooting wild boars from a moving vehicle recently went viral on social media, with viewers having mixed reactions to it. The content creator announced he was taking a break last year and only returned in November. He joined Kick upon his return and started putting out a lot of IRL and vlogging content.
On May 28, 2024, Tfue streamed himself hunting wild boars in the Everglades of Flordia. The clip in question, posted by X user @FearedBuck, garnered more than a million views within the first hour, prompting him to respond.
In what looked like apparent justification of his actions on camera, the online personality claimed that wild boars are considered invasive in Florida:
"Boars in Florida are considered invasive due to their destructive impact on the environment."
Tfue lists apparent problems caused by wild boars in Florida after clip of him shooting them goes viral
Tfue has been focusing on IRL content lately and only streams video games occasionally. He has also distanced himself from YouTube, claiming that he will be posting most of his vlog-style videos on X going forward.
As for his latest hunting stream on Kick, Tfue had much to say in defense of his actions in the wild. The streamer made a long post on X, claiming that boars are destructive to the environment. He added that the animals are called 'Feral Hogs' in the Everglades and that they damage numerous things and contribute to the destruction of vegetation, soil erosion, and crops by "rooting":
"These wild boars, also known as feral hogs, cause damage by: 1.**Rooting:** Boars root the ground in search of food, disrupting vegetation and causing soil erosion. 2.**Crop Damage:** They feed on agricultural crops, leading to significant economic losses for farmers."
The Kick star also wrote that boars are harmful to native wildlife because they prey on them, compete for food and water sources, and also spread diseases:
"3.**Predation:** Boars prey on native wildlife, impacting the local ecosystem and biodiversity. 4.**Competing for Resources:** They compete with native species for food and habitat, affecting the balance of the ecosystem. 5.**Disease Transmission:** Boars can spread diseases to wildlife and domestic animals, posing risks to public health and livestock"
He further stated that controlling the boar population is essential to help protect the environment in Florida:
"Efforts to control and manage the boar population in Florida are essential to mitigate the environmental damage caused by these invasive species."
Tfue is not the first Kick streamer to get backlash for hunting animals. Controversial content creator Natalie Reynolds garnered a lot of negative reactions on social media after she posted a picture of a dead alligator after hunting it on stream. Incidentally, she has also killed wild boars on stream, impaling one with a spear.