Twitch and Kick star Felix "xQc" has shared some rather strong sentiments against contentious internet personality Nico "Sneako." During a Kick stream earlier today (June 25, 2024), xQc reacted to the recent controversy involving Nicholas "Nickmercs" and Ava Kris Tyson.
For those unaware, on June 22, 2024, Nickmercs tweeted that Ava Kris Tyson "should be ashamed" for "leaving her wife and child." He wrote:
"You should be ashamed of yourself. Leaving behind your wife and child, to play pretend. One day you'll wake up, and realize what you've done."
Jimmy "MrBeast" responded to Nickmercs, writing:
"Ava is literally always with her kid and doesn't even go on shoots to spend more time with him. Tuck, man, is always smiling, not sure why this rumor is a thing."
Sneako eventually responded to MrBeast, telling him to "stop pretending" because he is one of the most influential internet personalities. He added:
"You're one of the most influential people in the world now, Jimmy. Stop pretending like this perversion is normal, you can literally save thousands of kids' lives."
xQc expressed his displeasure with Sneako's tweet, claiming that the permanently banned YouTuber seeks the "easiest likes" on social media. He added:
"Man, it's insane how this guy just goes for always the easiest likes he can get. It's kind of insane! This guy is so f**king ill. It's unbelievable!"
xQc goes off at Sneako for his comments amid Nickmercs and Ava Kris Tyson drama, says Rumble streamer has "zero integrity"
xQc was about three hours into his livestream earlier today (June 25, 2024), when he reacted to Sneako's tweet. After claiming that the latter looks for the "easiest likes," the former Overwatch pro stated that Sneako has "zero integrity."
He elaborated:
"This Sneako guy is straight off the f**king rockers all the time. Bro is so cringe! Bro, this guy has zero integrity. Zero... what he says and what he does. Actually a cookie! A legitimate zero!"
Readers can access the streamer's Kick VOD (Video on Demand) by clicking here [Timestamp: 02:51:40].
This is not the first time Felix has criticized Sneako. In April 2024, the content creators got embroiled in a feud after Sneako abruptly left a debate livestream. In response, xQc described the recently unbanned Twitch personality's behavior as the "exit of a lifetime" and referred to him as a "broke" individual.