Drama Alert host Daniel "Keemstar" took to X to remark upon the absence of any mention of the controversy in the chat within YouTuber Herschel "DrDisRespect's" latest stream, which marks his return to the platform after a two-month-long hiatus. The streamer had been away from the platform after he admitted to having inappropriate conversations with a minor over Twitch Whisper, a now-defunct service.
Supposedly, the chat had only been accessible to those who had been subscribed to the creator for thirteen weeks or longer. Talking about this, Keemstar stated that despite there being 170,000 concurrent viewers on the broadcast, none of the members in the chat made a mention of the controversy that had enveloped DrDisRespect before. He wrote:
"DrDisrespect is streaming in front of 170k concurrent viewers. And there isn’t a single mention in the chat of his controversy. Very Odd."
Keemstar remarks on DrDisRespect's address of past allegations made by Cody Conners
[Timestamp: 0:33:18]
In his YouTube livestream on September 6, 2024, DrDisRespect addressed the allegations that had been made against him by Twitch's former employee, Cody Conners, who worked as account director for strategic partnerships within the platform at one point in time. The latter had alleged that DrDisRespect had been "sexting a minor" using Twitch Whisper in 2017, which led to his eventual permanent ban from Twitch.
The streamer categorically opposed these allegations, explaining:
"Do you even know what the legal definition of sexting is? I do. And yeah, I used Twitch's Whispers but trust me, I wasn't sexting anyone. You also said the word 'minor,' Cody. I even made sure that word was emphasized in my statement, edited, etc. Just to make sure these so-called journalists would pick up on it... Did any of you consider that the Twitch user may have been over the legal age of consent at the time of the messages? You didn't."
Also dismissing any prior accusations against him of attempting to meet the individual at a TwitchCon event, DrDisRespect stated:
"Let's set the record straight. I never intended to meet this user, ever. We never made plans to meet at TwitchCon or anywhere else. And in fact, we never met, in person, ever."
Remarking upon this, Keemstar made a post on X commenting on the possibility of DrDisRespect being "innocent":
"Holy Sh** DrDisrespect innocent ??? Wild AF !"
DrDisRespect had recently made a post on X, sarcastically remarking upon video game content creators, calling them a "snoozefest".