GTA RP streamer DivaJilly's husband KingCaffeine (@CallmeCaff) responded to her recent stream, addressing the cheating allegations. For context, KingCaffeine came forward, alleging that his wife had cheated on him with Twitch streamer Jesse "MOONMOON." Earlier today (October 5, 2024), DivaJilly spoke about the situation, claiming they were only married for "tax purposes."
She shared a screenshot of her text exchanges with her husband. One of the texts read (sent by KingCaffeine):
"No, I don't care. We're married for tax purposes. Tell them the truth."
Following her stream, KingCaffeine took to his account to react to her claims, stating that she had shared an out-of-context screenshot. He alleged that the real context was a discussion about whether they should have a church wedding to align with their families' expectations.
"We were obviously in love. The "I don't care" and "for taxes" were about the fact that our family was very religious and would be upset that we didn't get married in a church."
"Gaslight your fanbase harder" - KingCaffeine calls out DivaJilly over her response to the cheating allegations
DivaJilly's initial claim that her marriage to KingCaffeine was solely for tax purposes seems to have been disproven by her husband. He shared a lengthy screenshot of their unedited chat messages, alleging that their relationship wasn't motivated by tax concerns and that her statement was out of context.
KingCaffeine made a secondary post, alleging her of "gaslighting" her fan base and demanding her apology.
"Imagine taking random out-of-context screenshots to gaslight your fanbase harder than when you pretended to stream Elden Ring. Just own up to your mistakes, apologize for them, and move forward, or you will never grow."
He also shared additional screenshots of their text conversations, indicating they were in a stable and happy relationship.
"In the past 2 years our relationship had been better than ever, I never even thought cheating was a possibility."
Moonmoon, the third person involved in this situation, had previously addressed the matter from his perspective, stating that he was going through a separation and that DivaJilly had mentioned she was in an open relationship.