What did Nickmercs say about trans people? Streamer responds after making contentious comments

What did Nickmercs say about trans people?
Nickmercs recently made controversial comments about the trans community (Image via Nickmercs/Kick)

Twitch and Kick streamer Nicholas "Nickmercs" has responded after going viral for making contentious remarks about trans people. For those unaware of the controversy, Nickmercs made headlines on June 11, 2024, after a 42-second clip went viral on X.

In the video, the Detroit, Michigan native shared his thoughts on the transgender community, opining that there was "no such thing as trans people" and that it was something that people "created."

The FaZe Clan co-owner remarked:

"There's no such thing as trans people. That's something that you created. So, have fun in your little dreamland, but that s**t is not even real. Let me bring it down for you, all right? P***s - dude. V****a - girl. Done! Don't come in here with f**king trans s**t, bruh! Ridiculous!"

During a Kick stream earlier today (June 12, 2024), Nickmercs addressed the controversy, saying he "felt a certain way" about it. Claiming to have "said his piece," the content creator stated:

"...People did disagree and people did agree. I don't care about the percentages or the cuts, or whatever. It doesn't bother me. You know? I feel a certain way about all of that and I've said my piece. And, I'll remind these f**king people... that, again, the little dream fantasy bulls**t that they're living in is not real life. And not everybody has to dance to their tune. That's not how that works."

"I don't need no echo chamber bulls**t" - Nickmercs responds to his recent comments about trans people

Nickmercs continued the conversation, stating that people cannot "go around and point" at each other's "chests." He explained:

"You don't get to go around and point your finger at people's chest and say, 'Hey! You live in my world. You think the way I think. You believe the way I believe!' No, no, no. That's not how that works. It never has been and it never will be. So, if you guys want to live like that, go ahead. Do what you want to do. Not me."

Nickmercs further stated that he did not want to be in an "echo chamber." He added:

"I don't need people to agree with me. I don't need no echo chamber bulls**t. It's the way my wife and I feel. It's the way that my family feels - the people that are closest to me. And we're going to speak our f**king piece. And, that's it! And, it might be a thing that goes around. Look, it's June and I get it. Everybody is, 'Woo!' but I don't f**king care!"

Nickmercs is a 33-year-old veteran streamer, having over 6.7 million followers on Twitch. He is best known for playing first-person shooters, with Fortnite, Apex Legends, and Call of Duty Warzone being his most-played games.

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