Twitch streamer Wantep was recently subject to criticism for allegedly conducting a crypto "rug pull" while talking to his fellow streamer Mizkif. Wantep is a moderator for the Mizkif channel and the two have known each since 2021. In a stream on January 22, 2025, Wantep promoted a coin named after Mizkif's cat, called the "Chompy Coin". He raised its price and seemingly dumped it entirely to make a profit of $28,000.
A crypto rug pull is a scam in the cryptocurrency world where project developers suddenly withdraw all the funds from a project, leaving investors with worthless tokens or assets. It's called a "rug pull" because it feels like a rug has been yanked out from under the investors.
Reacting to the incident, members of the r/LivetsreamFail community expressed disappointment, including user u/Kevinmoal who claimed the streamer knew what he was doing:
"What a rat, Wantep knew what he was doing and took advantage of it to do a rugpull, something that if I'm not wrong he already did before."
u/RWCFan998877 claimed that this incident was a long time coming, especially considering how Wantep grew up:
"Wantep becoming a crypto scammer after years of Twitch brainrot as a child makes sense."
Others like u/notreallygabe stated that if someone fell victim to a scam from this particular streamer, then they definitely had it coming:
"If you get rugpulled by f**king Wantep you should not be allowed access to a bank account or credit card."
Some like u/XfactorGaming even went so far as to say that the streamer deserved jail time for his actions:
"Everyone involved in all of these shitcoin and meme coin pump and dumps should face jail time. Absolute insanity."
"What is going on?": Mizkif reacts to Wantep's alleged pump-and-dump scheme
During the livestream, Wantep did some math. By multiplying the number of Chompy Coins sold with the associated cost, he claimed that the total would come up to $28,000. According to him, this amount was ready to be sent to Mizkif:
"One hundred and fourteen times two hundred and fifty, 28 grand. I could just send this to you right now..."
Mizkif responded, visibly perplexed, seemingly finding it hard to believe:
"What is going on? He just duked the chart, this guy made a Chompy Coin... and you're telling me he gave you $50,000 of crypto? And you just sold it and you made 28 grand? ('Yeah, I guess', Wantep responded)."
In other news, TommyInnit criticized Mizkif, describing him as socially inept and the "worst" person he's met.