Ben “Comicstorian” Potter, a well-known YouTuber who specialized in comic book-based content, has tragically passed away at age 40. His wife Nathalie revealed that he passed in an "unfortunate accident" on June 8, 2024. The news was met with sorrow across the internet when it was announced to the world on June 10, 2024. Fans and content creators worldwide shared their love for the content creator on social media.
In a heartfelt message, Nathalie said the Comicstorian channel was one of the YouTuber’s greatest accomplishments, and she didn’t want to see it go away with his passing. She and his team planned on keeping it alive, to keep telling amazing stories, and also to keep the memory of ‘our very own superhero’ alive.
Comic expert and audio-drama creator Comicstorian tragically passes away at age 40
While Ben had several channels, arguably his most famous one was Comicstorian. In addition, there was Mangastorian, which was focused on manga, instead of Western comics, a rant channel (Benny Rants), and a gaming channel (Eligible Monster Gaming). He was a man of many loves, but perhaps his greatest one was the world of comics. When it comes to comic-based YouTubers, few people commanded the same respect as Ben did.
With over 3M followers, Comicstorian was focused on telling the stories of comics through the medium of audio dramas. That way, fans could learn about the entire story, arcs, and characters, without having to dive into potentially incredibly expensive mountains of comics.
As a comic book fan, I understand how hard it can be to keep up if you fall behind. Thankfully, there were content creators like Comicstorian out there, who could put it all together in a neat package, and provide amazing information.
Perhaps what he might have best been known for were his dramatic retellings of comic book storylines. These audio dramas faithfully captured stories, so fans could easily consume some of the most popular and beloved comic book stories in one place.
It wasn’t just Western comics that Ben covered. On his channel, Mangastorian, he covered some of the most interesting manga stories. This included the more current Dragon Ball Super manga, such as the Granolah Arc, along with his opinions on it.
While it’s unknown what will go on with the channel in the future, Nathalie Potter made it clear that she’s not going to stop the channel. He will be missed by his fans and remembered for his true love of the medium of comics, and the stories contained in them, this writer included.