Twitch streamer Juli Vavilova has become a hot topic among users online after Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested while the two were supposedly together in France. While the two are speculated to be dating, no concrete information regarding their exact relationship is available.
The two had traveled to various other locations together, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan, before arriving in France on a private jet and eventually being apprehended by French authorities. Despite this, speculations have emerged online that she may have been complicit in the arrest of the Telegram executive.
Juli Vavilova's personal details and Twitch career explored
Juli Vavilova is a 24-year-old influencer and content creator, whose videos often focus on cryptocurrency and games such as competitive shooter Counter-Strike. She has accounts on all major social media and content-hosting platforms, including Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitch.
Vavilova boasts over 25,100 followers on Instagram and 7,100 on TikTok. She is known as JuliVavilova on Twitch. While not going live quite so often, her Twitch channel features Just Chatting streams and Counter-Strike gameplay. She has 10,900 followers on the platform. Her YouTube videos also encompass IRL streams and more Counter-Strike playthroughs.
She is reportedly a resident of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, similar to Durov. To those unaware, Dubai is also the location where the headquarters of Telegram are situated.
The two had apparently been sharing similar Instagram stories, and Vavilova could reportedly be seen showcasing her lifestyle alongside Durov on her social media recently.
Russian-born Pavel Durov is currently facing 20 years in jail after being arrested by French authorities on accusations of not inspecting the content hosted on Telegram, which allegedly allowed the platform to become a host for criminal activities, such as adult content that could potentially lead to exploitation of minors, drug peddling, and fraudulent financial activities.