Ethan Nestor, who also goes by the alias crankgameplays, had his Twitch channel, ethannestor, banned by the platform on August 19, soon after he had finished his 18-day-long Wikipedia subathon. The streamer had been doing a Wikipedia Speedrun for the last couple of weeks on Twitch and his channel was suspended a day after.
The news was first reported by the StreamerBans bot on X, and Ethan Nestor responded to the post with a simple "whoops."
As is customary for Twitch suspensions, trying to access Ethan's channel just shows a message stating that the channel had violated the website's rules and community guidelines, without specifying the exact reason. However, viewers have come to a consensus that the streamer was probably banned because he had inadvertently come across s*xually explicit content while surfing Wikipedia during the speedrun.
Ethan Nestor accessed adult content during the Wikipedia speedrun subathon before he got banned on Twitch
For those who are unaware, a Wikipedia speedrun is a specific type of challenge that content creators take up where the aim is to get from one specific Wikipedia page to another using just the links in the article. Ethan Nestor had been doing just that on his weeks-long subathon.
While Wikipedia speedruns can seem quite tame compared to video game challenges, trying to navigate through the various pages can become quite problematic for streamers trying to keep it family-friendly. And that is exactly what happened here.
During his subathon, Ethan Nestor found himself on the Wikipedia page for the female s*x organ clitoris. While the page is educational and not meant to be provocative, it does contain explicit pictures which is quite a plausible reason for Twitch to execute a ban.
The streamer was caught up in the speedrun when he first arrived on the page and after the realization of what he had shown on camera set in, Ethan was quite appalled at what he had done. He even shared a clip of the moment on his official X account where he can be heard freaking out over accessing adult content on Twitch:
"Oh! I didn't realize! I am going to get banned, I am going to get banned. Oh no!"
Ethan Nestor's Twitch account has over 600K followers but he is more popular in the YouTube community where he has over 2 million subscribers. It is expected that he will return in a couple of days considering this is the first time he has been banned on Twitch as per StreamerBans.