Popular streamer Felix "xQc" has commented on the recent allegations against YouTube star Jimmy "MrBeast." For context, on September 17, 2024, court documents surfaced on social media, revealing that five Beast Games participants had filed a class action lawsuit against MrBeast for poor working conditions and alleged mistreatment while filming.
Furthermore, the lawsuit included allegations of sexual harassment and failure to prevent harassment.
During a livestream on September 18, 2024, xQc reviewed the 54-page court document and discussed the various allegations contained within it. While he thought the situation was "pretty insane," the French-Canadian personality questioned whether reality shows like Survivor Island or Fear Factor "could still" be produced by "today's standards":
"This is pretty insane. But at the same time, guys, hold on. Guys, I must ask... unbiased. Genuinely. Would shows like Survivor Island and s**t like that, or like Fear Factor - do you think it could still be held today? In today's standards?"
xQc went on to say that allegations made against MrBeast by the Beast Games contestants in the lawsuit are "pretty common" on reality shows like Fear Factor. He elaborated:
"I feel like some of the things I'm reading are things that, literally, on Fear Factor are pretty common. What? (The streamer reads his Twitch chat) Well, it's not that you're sending away your rights. Right? Let's say you agree to a stunt and then you're put in a box, right? For 10 minutes with 10,000 cockroaches. Right? And that's the challenge. You're sending away your rights. I mean, I said that could be a thing for a f**king contest. No?"
xQc added:
"Isn't that kind of like a weird gray zone? Okay. I think it's odd."
Timestamp: 03:50
xQc says he's "not defending anybody" while commenting on the recent allegations against MrBeast
xQc continued the conversation, asserting that he was "not defending anybody" while discussing the recent allegations against MrBeast. Claiming that certain things mentioned in a lawsuit would be "min-maxing," the former Overwatch pro remarked:
"I'm not defending anybody. I'm just saying, guys, in a lawsuit, some things will be... you know, min-maxing. So, not everything is going to go through probably. And I'm just wondering - what is... like, is there a world where that's misinterpretation when you read it? Or not. Am I wrong?"
In addition to xQc, YouTuber Rosanna Pansino has also weighed in on the class action lawsuit against MrBeast. In a tweet from September 18, 2024, Pansino accused the 26-year-old of treating people in "disgusting" ways in private settings.