Felix "xQc" has built a reputation for his unfiltered and often outspoken commentary, which he shares with his dedicated community. Known for his reactions to the latest developments in the live-streaming world during his broadcasts on Kick or Twitch, xQc never shies away from sharing his candid takes on trending topics. An example of this is FaZe's streaming group, which has had a successful 2024.
Ever since FaZe Clan's 2024 reboot, the organization has become a larger part of the streaming conversation. Recently xQc called out Kaysan, a member of the group, for a series of leaked text messages with Twitch streamer Pokimane.
The messages, in which Kaysan apologized for past judgments and proposed a one-on-one dinner to "become friends," drew widespread attention and xQc criticized Kaysan’s approach, labeling it "straight-up harassment". On December 3, the streamer added to his criticism against FaZe members by calling out Stable Ronaldo for "fake" content and running too many advertisements:
"You guys have so much fake content... you guys run fake footage... I click Ron's stream to see what's up and I get hit with three minutes of ads, this needs to f**king stop."
xQc reacts to Stable Ronaldo for running 3-minute advertisements
The affiliate program on Twitch allows the platform's creators to set a fixed schedule for running ads during their streams in exchange for a guaranteed payout. The payout depends on the frequency, length, and placement of ads during their content.
xQc recently poked fun at FaZe Clan member Stable Ronaldo for what he perceived as Ronaldo’s opportunistic use of Twitch's advertisement program. During a stream, xQc humorously highlighted how Ronaldo runs 3-minute ad breaks on his channel to increase revenue.
To prove a point, he opened up Ronaldo's stream on a new window, and as soon he did, a 3-minute long ad started playing:
"F**king drones were saying... f**k mainstream TV, there's too many ads... then you open [Stable Ronaldo's] stream (Laughs)."
Initially, xQc was visibly shocked. Later, he laughed, seemingly finding the situation hilarious. He mentioned how Stable Ronaldo's stream had enough ads to compete with television networks.
In other news, xQc firmly addressed a fan's question about why he defended Drake but not Dr DisRespect amid a recent controversy.