Twitch and Kick star Felix "xQc" has made bold claims about how much money he would lose if he did not run ads on his channel on the Amazon-owned platform. While interacting with his audience during a livestream earlier today (July 1, 2024), xQc expressed his displeasure about running advertisements on his channel. He then claimed that if he decided not to run them on his broadcast, he would lose $6,000 per day.
After doing calculations, xQc claimed that if he did not run ads on his channel, he would lose over $2,000,000 per year.
The French-Canadian personality said:
"Yo, I don't like having ads. Bro, do you have any idea how much I would lose if I went live and I didn't have ads? Do you have any idea? It's like $6,000 a day. You know what? Watch this. (The Twitch streamer opens the calculator and does calculations) That would be 365 times 6,000 (Result being 2,190,000)."
He added:
"The one-click I did today that removed the ads, literally made me lose $2 million this year. Just for you. See? I'm so charitable and cool. Womp womp! Womp womp!"
A few moments later, xQc stated that his viewers would not receive additional ads other than Twitch's pre-roll ads. He explained:
"Yeah, you shouldn't be getting any more ads except the pre-rolls that are literally Twitch-certified. The only way to remove those ads will be to remove my partnership. So that would mean I wouldn't have a subscribe button anymore, and then, the chat would become complete dog s**t. So, we're not doing that."
Timestamp: 00:10:00
"I can't believe I missed that" - xQc reacts to TwitchCon 2024 Europe party featuring popular streamers
During the same livestream, xQc reacted to trending posts on the r/LivestreamFail subreddit, where he came across a video of EsfandTV, Jason "TheStockGuy," and other popular streamers attending a party at TwitchCon Europe 2024.
Expressing his regret for not attending the annual convention, the former Overwatch pro said:
"Yo! I should've went to the f**king... yo! Dude, I really should have went to the f**king TwitchCon EU. Yo, this party looks f**king lit! Yo, chat, this looks absolutely lit! I can't believe I missed that!"
In other news, during a livestream on June 29, 2024, xQc voiced his displeasure with his community's behavior, claiming that his viewers become "unbearable" during his IRL and collaborative broadcasts.