YouTube creator and lawyer Nick Rekieta, known on the video-hosting platform as Rekieta Law, is allegedly facing charges of second-degree possession, child endangerment, and gross misdemeanor firearm charges as per leaked court documents. Further, his nine-year-old daughter has allegedly tested positive for high levels of unlawful substances, and his children are now under the care of Kandiyohi County Health and Human Services (KCHHS).
These charges have reportedly been found in a leaked court document, with it allegedly stating that the illegal substance was found at a level of "5000 with a cutoff of 500". The leaked document as well as the allegations was acknowledged by Nick Rekieta in a stream on YouTube on June 19, 2024. He stated:
"First the release of information that's supposed to be protected... is something that is concerning and uh, of course, I will have a lawyer looking into that right away."
Law YouTuber Nick Rekieta is allegedly facing multiple charges as per a leaked court document
Nick Rekieta is a YouTuber who covers current affairs related to laws, reviews ongoing court cases and trials, and provides his commentary and opinions on the same within his videos. He has a significant following on YouTube, with over 444K subscribers and over 123 million views of his videos.
Nick started uploading content regularly on YouTube in 2017, often showcasing him providing a "breakdown" of legal cases and their verdicts. However, he shot to popularity particularly due to his coverage of the highly publicized legal battle between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp in 2022.
Now, the alleged leaked court documents showcase the YouTuber facing charges of drug possession spanning multiple schedules or classifications, including over "twenty-six grams" of illicit substances being found inside his home after a search warrant was executed by an officer. Further, drug paraphernalia, guns, and ammunition were also allegedly found inside his home.
After the substances were allegedly found, Nick and his wife were placed under arrest while their children were placed within an "enforcement hold". During a drug test, one of their children was allegedly found to be positive for "c***ine," which is a Schedule 2 drug. Further details on the case from official sources are yet to emerge.
In other news, TikTok star Ed Matthews was also recently arrested and reportedly denied bail for four and a half months, as per claims made by his close friend and fellow Kick streamer Harrison "HSTikkyTokky". Even though no direct confirmation was provided regarding the reasons behind his arrest, it has been speculated that his streams involving him luring and catching alleged child predators may have been why he got in trouble with the authorities.