PC hardware and software journalism website Gamers Nexus has recently made several allegations against Linus Tech Tips in a "response" directly addressed to Linus Sebastian, the founder of Linus Tech Tips. These allegations have emerged after Linus recently asked for "receipts" in response to Gamers Nexus' previous claims of Linus Tech Tips partaking in "aggressive messaging."
The allegations made by Gamers Nexus are accompanied by "evidence" including screenshots. This article covers the accusations made by Gamers Nexus in the response post made on its website.
Exploring the allegations made by Gamers Nexus against Linus Tech Tips

The ongoing drama between Linus Tech Tips and Gamers Nexus began back in August 2023, when the latter uploaded a video criticizing LTT for "unethical" practices in their product reviews. However, the latest developments in the feud result from an investigative video uploaded on January 15, 2025, by Gamers Nexus explicitly covering the Honey scam.
Particularly, Gamers Nexus critiqued Linus Tech Tips for not publicly disclosing the circumstances surrounding Honey despite being aware of it much before it became public knowledge. They went on to suggest that he did not do it to prevent receiving potential backlash.
This claim by Gamers Nexus was labeled "disingenuous" by LTT, who went on to criticize them for not contacting Linus for a comment before publishing their video, while also calling them "unethical, un-journalistic flaws."

Now, apart from providing a set of reasons for not having contacted Linus Tech Tips, the response provided by Gamers Nexus covers three "receipts" in particular. The first one focuses on LTT's supposed "plagiarism" of GamersNexus content. The second one focuses on LTT's alleged failure to resolve data accuracy issues despite being notified privately. The third and final receipt covers allegations of "unprofessionalism in prior communications" by LTT.
In their allegations of plagiarism against Linus Tech Tips, Gamers Nexus claimed that the former's WAN show episode on September 16, 2022, titled The Biggest Tech Divorce, involved Linus reading out of a script that supposedly matches the "order, topics, and words of a GamersNexus report".
A screenshot of an email exchange between Gamers Nexus owner Stephen Burke and Linus Sebastian shows the former bringing up the concerns, which are then addressed by Linus, who wrote:
"I will speak with the team about sourcing and citations going forward. Hopefully we avoid something like this happening again. In the meantime, I've pinned a comment thanking both Jay and you for the excellent reporting :)"
Despite this assurance by Linus, Gamers Nexus claims that there were no attributions and only a pinned comment:
"The only change made, after responding to our email, was a pinned comment stating 'shoutout to Jayztwocents and Steve,' which is not the same as a citation, without ever acknowledging GamersNexus or the plagiarism or naming the author in full. This does not adequately cite the author and does not resolve the issue. Jayztwocents had already been cited verbally in the piece."
The second "receipts" covering the data inaccuracies revolves around a private email contact between Gamers Nexus and LTT regarding a number of errors made in an LTT YouTube video titled "Delidding a $1000 CPU - Worth the RISK??" Despite the concerns being addressed in the emails, as per Gamers Nexus, no pinned comment was posted, no description was updated and no public note was made regarding the errors within the video.
Lastly, in a massive allegation made by Gamers Nexus, Linus Sebastian supposedly made "derogatory comments" while conversing with Steve Burke on a private phone call on August 31, 2021. Further, Gamers Nexus also released a number of screenshots of a private conversation between Linus and Steve Burke, allegedly showcasing "unprofessionalism" from Linus' side.
The Honey controversy came to light after YouTuber MegaLag posted a video alleging that the Honey extension would replace creators' affiliate codes with its own, effectively obtaining the commission instead of the affiliated creator.