Arike Ogunbowale's fiancee, Lala Ronay, took to Instagram on Sunday to share a mirror selfie with the Dallas Wings star and their dog, Kobi. The snap featured all their faces hidden behind each other and was accompanied by a face-hiding emoji. Ogunbowale also reshared the snap to her Instagram story.
This comes just a few days before the debut of the Unrivaled league, where Arike Ogunbowale will play for the Vinyl BC. Lala Ronay also shared her fiancee's introductory post by the team on her Instagram story following the mirror selfie.
Unrivaled, the 3x3 women's basketball league featuring six teams, will tipoff its inaugural season on Jan. 17 in Miami, Florida. As announced by the league last month, Arike Ogunbowale is the captain of team Vinyl.
In a previous interview, Ogunbowale expressed excitement to play in Unrivaled and highlighted that the 3-on-3 format is suited for her.
"Playing 3-on-3, I love playing 3-on-3. I think that style of basketball, I can thrive there, so basketball-wise I think it would be good for me," Ogunbowale said.
The Wings guard concluded the 2024 WNBA season averaging 22.2 points, 4.6 rebounds, 5.1 assists and 2.1 steals in 38 games. Ogunbowale also shot 38.3% from the field, including 34.6% from beyond the arc, as Dallas finished second last in the season, unable to qualify for the playoffs.
Arike Ogunbowale's fiancee Lala Ronay shares a glimpse of their gym date
Lala Ronay shared a video on her Instagram on Sunday that gave a glimpse of her gym date with Arike Ogunbowale. The video featured Ronay's pre-workout routine, followed by the couple working out together at the gym before winding off in the sauna.
"gym dates >>>," Ronay captioned the post.
Lala Ronay is an ex-military soldier for the U.S. Army and is currently a social media influencer posting beauty, lifestyle and fitness content. She started her journey to internet fame in 2021 and currently boasts over 455k followers on Instagram.
Arike Ogunbowale proposed to Ronay in May and announced the news on her social media. The couple was previously private about their relationship but often feature on each other's social media handles as of late.