Astra can be one of the most powerful agents in Valorant, if used correctly. She has a versatile set of abilities that can be used effectively while attacking and defending. While executing her abilities, Astra enters her astral form and places multiple stars on the map, using these stars to trigger her abilities.
One of her most important abilities is Nebula. With this ability, Astra deploys a nebula at one of her previously placed stars., which acts as a smokescreen and blocks the vision of parties on either side of the screen. This can be effectively used to create one-ways on Valorant's Pearl map.
Given how tactical the map is, one-ways are very crucial from a strategic point of view.
Top 5 one-way smokes for Astra on Valorant's Pearl map
1) While attacking A

Site A on Valorant's Pearl map is comparatively closer than Site B from the Attackers Spawn on the map. Therefore, it is usually the first site that players usually push towards in order to plant the spike. The best idea would be to smoke the pathways coming from A Link and A Secret. Smoking these two areas can easily give the attackers enough cover to move into the site and plant the spike.
Players can also argue that A Flowers should also be smoked. However, there is a structure in the middle of the site that can provide enough cover to atleast push into the site. With two remaining entry points blocked, the enemies stacked up in A Flower can easily be picked off by the team.
2) While attacking B

Site B on Valorant's Pearl map is more open than the other site. To effectively push into the site and take control of it, Astra can smoke B Tower and the entrance to B Hall from B Screen. With these two areas smoked, attackers can easily move into the site without having to worry about getting picked off by their enemies in B Hall.
Smoking B Tower has the same effect too. Attackers can easily move in and clear B Hall and B Link while the spike carrier plants the spike on the site.
3) While attacking from Mid

For a map like Pearl, whoever controls Mid controls the game. Since Mid branches out into both the sites, there are a couple of smokes that Astra can try while moving into either of the sites.
If the attackers move into Site A, Astra can smoke the Mid Connector entry between A Art and A Link. This is the only side opening in the area and smoking it can provide attackers with enough cover. Alternatively, if the attackers move towards Site B, Astra can smoke the Mid Connector entry that opens up between Mid Doors and B Link.
4) While defending A

Defending is as important as attacking in Valorant. The basic idea of defending is to prevent the attackers from planting the spike. This can be done either by eliminating the entire attacking team, or by wasting their time till the timer runs out.
To keep them away from Site A, Astra can smoke A Main and take cover inside A Dugout. Enemies will not usually charge through this spot. However, in case anyone does so, Astra can pick them clean off.
Astra can smoke A Link, in case someone is trying to push into the site from the flanks.
5) While defending B

A similar defense strategy can also be applied at Site B on Valorant's Pearl map. But this one is slightly tricky. The entry to B Hall is very clear from B Ramps. The road leading down from B Ramps to B Hall is split into two by a small structure, creating a bifurcation in the road.
The right bifurcation is slightly diagonal from B Hall, while the left bifurcation is clearly visible. Smoking the left bifurcation from B Hall reduces the vision of the attackers, making it difficult for them to push into the site. Astra can also choose to smoke either B Tower or B Link depending upon the situation.
This concludes the list of the five best one-way smokes for Astra on Valorant's Pearl map. While these strategies work well, players need to keep in mind that these strategies are not absolute. Players can try out multiple ideas to see what works best for them and then work their way around developing their own unique strategy in Valorant.