Valorant has set an example of its own in the competitive FPS genre, setting it apart from the already prevailing giants of esports.
In a genre dominated by previous games like Counter Strike Global Offensive and Fortnite, Riot’s latest addition, Valorant, has become one of its kind.
With an amalgamation of both shooting and ability usage, Valorant created a unique take on the previously known FPS genre and took the gaming community by storm.
Being an FPS game, Valorant players need to depend on their aim but often so require a good sense of the abilities in order to keep up with the pace of the game.
With the influx of professional players from previous FPS titles like CS: GO and Overwatch in Valorant, the number of players seems to be increasing by the day.
Riot recently stated in a report that Valorant has nearly 3 million players playing the game on a daily basis. With this increase in number, the craze for Valorant's YouTube content has increased by leaps and bounds.
From professional players to big shots who have the potential to be breakout stars in Valorant upload content based on the game on YouTube. Listed below are the five best YouTubers to follow in 2021.
Top 5 Valorant YouTubers to follow in 2021
With several channels creating content on Valorant, there are some who might be preferred over others by the community. Here are the five most famous Valorant YouTubers:
#1 - Shroud

Unless a player is new to the FPS genre, one has heard the name of Michael "Shroud" Grzesiek at some point in time. He was a professional CS: GO player better known for his game presence and amazing shooting skills.
The Canadian player retired from the professional esports scene in 2018 and became a full-time content creator.
Anyone who wishes to learn about FPS games or watch content related to the genre, Shroud has been a guiding star for them. With a near-perfect aim and impeccable sense of ability usage, he quickly became one of the best in Valorant.
Shroud has experimented with agents like Sova and Cypher, but ultimately he relies mostly on his Jett skills. With his game sense and indisputable aim, he can turn around even several losing rounds and matches.
#2 - Average Jonas

For any Sova enthusiast in the community, there is nobody who hasn’t heard of the name Average Jonas. Originally Jonas “Average Jonas” Neversete was an opera singer. He went through an extraordinary journey in his life during the quarantine phase last year and found his refuge in Valorant when the game was released.
Jonas' skills with Sova’s recon bolt and shock darts are unparalleled. And he soon became famous for his line-ups in different maps. Jonas has a subscriber count of 189k on YouTube. And if someone wants to learn about the game mechanics along with how to master the agent Sova, Average Jonas is the one to look for.
#3 - Unidaro

Viper has been one of the most underrated agents in Valorant. But the way Unidaro utilizes Viper’s abilities in the game is quite a sight to witness.
With the spike planted, Unidaro’s line-ups of "Snake Bite" are always reliable. When the defenders wish to defuse the spike against time, his well-timed "Snake Bite" and "Poison Cloud" can cripple the enemy and be a decider for his team.
Unidaro's special utilization of Viper has set him apart from other YouTubers that play Viper, and he is one to look up to for learning to play Viper.
Viper being a difficult agent to master and Unidaro being able to flawlessly play with her abilities has set him apart in the community.
#4 - Flights

The community cannot get enough of Flights, and that in itself is an understatement. Flights with his exceptional Raze gameplay and the utilization of "Blast Packs" have set him apart from other Raze players in the community.
Raze, with her abilities, has a lot of potential for game-changing plays. And Flights took it upon himself to take out the hidden potential and make the most out of it. With his aggressiveness, he makes his way into the enemy’s hearts and inflicts terror upon them with his exceptional ability usage and shooting skills.
Players can check out the video above to get an overview of Flight’s ability when it comes to Raze.
#5 - Flexinja

The top five list cannot be completed without mentioning Flexinja and his aggressive Omen gameplay. Throughout time, he has mastered the agent to become one with Omen himself.
When it comes to playing Omen, the first name that pops up in a gamer’s mind is Flexinja. With his insane combination of Shrouded Steps with Paranoia/Dark Cover, the streamer wreaks havoc in the game. And his near-perfect aim added to the gameplay leaves the opponent helpless in matches.
A testament to his game sense and aim is that he often goes for headshots over body shots and depends more on flicks. The number of aces he pulled off in recent times is also an example of his prowess.
Disclaimer: This list solely reflects the author’s personal views on Valorant and is in no way the final list for others.