Valorant has its unique way of introducing new content inside the game. The primary method is the introduction of new Agents and Maps. The newest Agent in the game is Fade, who happens to be an Initiator. Her introduction brought about many changes in gameplay and team composition.
The Agent's abilities are Haunt, Prowler, Seize, and Nightfall (ultimate ability). Haunt's detection ability reveals the location of enemies in a certain range. If and when they are detected, the enemy players are marked and followed by a Trail. The marked debuff expires after 12 seconds.
Please note that the following lineups were performed in the LOW Graphics Settings.

Valorant Fade's most efficient situational lineups for Fracture
5) B-Site Tower to Arcade

To execute this lineup, players must position themselves directly on top of the diamond shape in front of the rope in B-Site Tower.

Players must then position their crosshairs along the top of the dish on the roof towards the Arcade. Adjusting the crosshair to the left, the player needs to do a simple jump left-click to deploy the Haunt ability.

Following this lineup will deploy the Haunt ability directly above Arcade and will drop on the roof area of Arcade, revealing any player pushing or waiting in the vicinity.

This lineup can detect enemies trying to push Arcade and any enemies emerging from B-Tunnel towards B-Tower.
4) A-Site Double Radianite boxes to A-Dish

Players need to tuck themselves beside the double Radianite boxes in A-SIte and then find the top right corner of the vent-like structure above A-Drop.

The players then need to aim just a bit above the corner of the vent-like structure. After positioning the crosshair, the players must perform a run-jump and left-click to deploy the Haunt ability. The ability will land directly at the top of Dish and reveal any nearby players.

This lineup should ideally be used early in the round to determine the map control the enemy team is trying to take.
3) Attacker Side Spawn to A-Rope (Sands)

The players can deploy this lineup from the Attacker Side Spawn. Look for the Radianite boxes in spawn and position them directly on top of the bottom left corner of the highest box.

Players must find the roof section directly above the A-Rope area and position their crosshairs between the pipe and the ledge.

Players must perform a run-jump left-click once again from the position to deploy the Haunt ability. The ability will go over the roof structures, land directly on A-Rope, and reveal the Sands area and parts of the A-Site and A-Rope.

2) A-Drop to A-Link Defender Spawn

For this lineup, players must position themselves in A-Drop and tuck themselves into the left corner.

The players must place their crosshairs on the “X-mark,” which can be spotted on the roof above A-Main Defender Side Spawn. Aiming at the center of the mark, a simple left-click will deploy the Haunt ability through the gap on the roof to inside A-Link. This reveals any player in A-Link and also in Defender Spawn.

This lineup can be used by both the attackers and defenders, which makes this very unique and useful.
1) A-Rope (Sands) to A-Link

Players need to tuck themselves into the corner shown in A-Rope and look towards A-Link. Players must then find a pipe above the roofs and along A-Link walls.

Players must place their crosshairs slightly to the right of the marked spot and perform a run-jump left-click to deploy the Haunt ability. The Haunt ability will land directly inside A-Link and reveal A-Link and anyone in Defender Spawn.

Some of these lineups can be highly situational and tricky at first. But once they are performed in-game, it becomes easier over time. Players who use these lineups will surely gain the upper hand in such complex maps as Fracture and rack-up Ranked wins.