Valorant consists of eight maps as of Episode 5 Act 3. Each has its unique layout that helps players traverse through the dynamics, and sometimes it also includes special features. One must know the callouts for each location on these maps as they help communicate with their team.
Newcomers might want to get a hang of the crucial callouts for complicated maps like the Fracture. The unique design of the map often confuses players when it comes to passing on callouts to the team.
This article will include five common callouts on Fracture.
Five callouts to keep in mind on Valorant's Fracture
1) Generator (B-site)

The Generator can be found near the B-site in Fracture. It is located to the left of the Canteen entrance and Link. It is a tall blue box where many defenders hide to avoid direct contact from Arcade and B-main.
Many new Valorant players are unaware of this particular position. It is a great hiding spot that can deny entry from attackers pushing from the Arcade side as well. However, higher lobby players can flush out any hidden players.
2) Canteen (B-site)

The Canteen is located right beside the Generator on the B-site of Fracture. Many players confuse between the two as the tunnel layout labels them next to each other in-game.
Smoking Canteen and Generator is a pretty common strategy used in all lobbies. Agents like Brimstone and Omen are great for this site, while Viper thrives with her Toxic Screen.
The Canteen is a great defending spot on the B-site as it offers a window to retreat back to their spawn and wait for their rotating teammates.
3) Arcade (B-site)

The Arcade area is located near the B-site of Fracture. Valorant players will find this location right after coming up from the Underpass, where a rope is attached to the B-tower entrance.
Attackers can smoke tower ropes to take quick Arcade control. It is one of the most common entry points for B-site as a common execution includes entry from both B-main and Arcade. Defenders often place a trap device in the area to avoid a sneaky push.
4) Drop (A-site)

The area with Satellite near the A-site that connects to the bomb site is called the Drop. It is named so because any attacker must jump down to enter the site from the said location.
Many defenders tend to push Drop to get an early pick on attackers. It is also a common area of execution. The A-site in Fracture has three entry points, excluding the defender's spawn rotation.
The Drop can be difficult to take care of as Defenders will also have to take care of the door in A-sands.
5) Sands (A-site)

This callout in A-site is also one of the most common entry points in Fracture. Valorant players call it so as the area after opening the door on A-main is filled with sand.
is a pretty strong position for defenders to hold an angle on from the Ropes top as they have a higher ground; however, higher lobby players tend to smoke them as soon as possible before taking control.
The above list includes some of the most important and common Fracture callouts that all Valorant players can use. As new players join the game every now and then, these will be effective in learning the basics of the map unless Riot Games decides to rework certain sections of the map once more.