The Vandal is one of the few guns in Valorant that can kill enemies with a single headshot no matter how far they are. It costs a total of 2900 credits and is one of the most used weapons in the game. As such, the developers have given the gun a lot of love by giving it some of the most amazing skins. The 2024 year was no different as players were overjoyed with the choices of skins they received.
This article will list down the 7 best Vandal skins for 2024 in Valorant.
Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.
Best Vandal skins in Valorant in 2024
1) Kuronami Vandal

Kuronami is an Exclusive edition collection that was released in January 2024. The collection features skins for the Vandal, Spectre, Melee, Sheriff and Marshal. The guns are available in four different variants: default, black, white and purple with a price tag of 2375 VP (Valorant Points).
The Kuronami collection is easily one of the best ones in Valorant. All the weapons here are given very flashy and unique animations. When players equip the weapon, the gun model can be seen forming in the Agent's hands through a mist effect. While reloading the weapon, the Agent will form a liquid shuriken from the weapon and insert them in the gun. Kuronami also has another unique trait wherein its kill finisher changes the weather of the map.
2) Singularity Vandal

Singularity is an Exclusive edition collection that has been released in two versions. The Vandal comes from the 2.0 version that also features skins for the Ghost and Melee. This new version has four variants, including some new ones: default, red, blue and white. Each gun skins costs a total of 2175 VP.
The Singularity collection made a resurgence with its 2.0 version. The animations look a lot cleaner and fluid than the original as well as offer better variants. In some ways, Singularity 2.0's animations also resemble the highly popular Araxys. However, the skin's strongest trait is certainly its sound effects that can make every frag feel very satisfying.
3) Aemondir Vandal

Released in June 2024, Aemondir is a Premium edition collection that features skins for the Sheriff, Vandal, Bulldog, Bucky and Melee. The collections provide a total of four variants — default, silver, bronze and obsidian — with a price tag of 1775 for each gun.
The Aemondir collection was one of the bigger surprises in the game. Before its release, many players had already dismissed the skin due to its design. However, once they got their hands on it, many started calling it as one of the most underrated collections in 2024. Aemondir has quite a bold design with metallic ornaments on its body and a large bayonet in the front. It has a very loud yet satisfying kill sound effect and a brutal kill finisher, wherein the final enemy gets stabbed by multiple magical swords.
4) Evori Dreamwings Vandal

Evori Dreamwings is an Ultra edition collection that was released in June 2024. Apart from the Vandalz, it features skins for the Ghost, Spectre, Odin and Melee. These are available in four different variants: pink, orange, green and blue wherein every gun costs 2475 VP.
The Evori Dreamwings collection is one of the cutest in Valorant. Each weapon has its own little magical creature in the front that reacts while shooting and assists the player to reload their gun. These creatures also have an adorable idle animation that occurs when the player doesn't move. While the sound effects for this skin are great, the kill finisher is also neat as all the magical creatures gather toward the final enemy and launch themselves to the sky.
5) XERØFANG Vandal

The Premium edition collection, XERØFANG was released in February 2024 with patch 8.02. It features skins for the Ghost, Vandal and Melee. These skins were available in four variants — base, black, pink and silver — while costing 1775 VP for each gun.
The XERØFANG bundle took many by surprise. The collection offers a few animations that are quite subtle and, hence, aren't distracting. Its sound effects are among the best as they somewhat resemble the Prime collection but flashier. All the weapons here have a sharp and crisp exterior with a shiny metallic body that has neon lights to make it look futuristic. The kill finisher is also quite minimal as it turns the final enemy into many shards, which then forms a robotic wolf head.
6) Primordium Vandal

The Exclusive edition collection, Primordium, was released in March 2024 and features skins for Vandal, Spectre, Shorty, Phantom and Melee. With a price tag of 2175 VP for each gun, it offers the four variants: default, venom, cobalt and gold.
The Primordium bundle is a considerably high quality skin collection in Valorant. Every weapon here heats up while shooting to a point where you can feel lava drip out of the gun. However, it's kill finisher is the most unique as the final enemy is grabbed by a demon's hand from an alternate dimension. Players can then stand on that spot to see the dimension that engulfs the map with a hellish sky and fire everywhere.
7) Arcane Vandal

The Arcane collection was released in two different versions. The Vandal comes from the 2.0 version which also features a completely new Melee skin. This Exclusive edition bundle does not have any variants where the Vandal costs 2175 VP.
The Arcane bundle is Valorant's first proper collaboration with a major series. The Vandal looks like a highly detailed makeshift weapon. Due to its design and aesthetic, it can be assumed that the weapon was made by one of series' main characters, Jinx. The Vandal's kill finisher is another proof for this as the final enemy gets bashed by her toy's cymbals. This then fills up the nearby areas with a splash of her signature colors: blue, pink and purple.
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