Valorant's meta changes with every small update, which helps keep the freshness intact. However, patch 5.07's influence will affect the in-game trends pretty generously, starting with four Agents who specialize in blinding or near-sighting their opponents. One of the affected ones is Skye, whose Guiding Light will soon undergo an influential nerf.
Valorant's upcoming patch 5.07 is set to change an important part of the in-game meta for good, primarily affecting how players have adjusted to certain Duelist and Initiator Agents. It includes a host of updates to Skye, KAY/O, and Reyna's flash/near-sight abilities. Yoru will also receive a slight advantage to his Blindside.
How will the new Skye changes in Valorant dictate her position in the meta?
The patch notes for 5.07, slated for release on October 4, revealed the new state of Skye's Guiding Light. Following the patch, her hawk can blind an opponent for up to 2.25 seconds, depending on the distance. An additional charge-up time has been added after the cast. Lastly, Skye will have to deal with an increased unequip delay time with her birds.
Opponents will no longer be able to shoot and destroy Skye's hawk, which seems to be a good balance for the nerfs. The developers wanted to reward players who have mastered bending her Guiding Light into the right spots.
The main idea was to differentiate Skye's Guiding Light from other flashes in the game. Players will experience new VFX, UI, and audio that communicates the new gameplay intent of the Australian Agent.
Guiding Light (E) Flashbang scaling paradigm changed.
- The max flash duration of Skye's Guiding Light now scales from 1s to 2.25s over a .75s charge up after being cast
- Guiding Light can no longer be shot and destroyed
- New VFX, UI, and sounds added to communicate new gameplay intent
- Unequip Delay out of Guiding Light increased .75s >>> .85s
The aforementioned changes will have a strong impact on how players use the Agent in Valorant. Firstly, Skye will now be relatively weaker in 1v1 situations than Duelists like Reyna, Phoenix, and Yoru, which is exactly what the developers intended. Her kit will become more efficient in team-based situations than in solo play.
Dan “penguin” Hardison, the man behind the idea, had a worthy explanation:
"We believe that Initiators should still be able to make solo plays, but they should ideally be weaker than their Duelist counterparts in these scenarios."
The changes will undoubtedly affect Skye's pick-rate on Valorant's ranked ladder for the next few weeks, until players get used to her tweaked abilities. The nerf will introduce a new learning curve for gamers who mastered Skye for independent plays.
One can work around her Guiding Light's updated strengths and weaknesses to find a new playstyle that suits Valorant's original intent. For example, Skye will be more effective in providing long-range flashes for her team.
Following patch 5.07, Skye and KAY/O can no longer function like Duelists as effectively as before and will thrive well in team-oriented playstyles. However, Reyna's Leer will serve as the epitome of selfish gunplay after the patch. Yoru will receive a comparatively simple change that will increase the maximum duration of his flash to 1.75 seconds.
Valorant will also receive some important flash visual updates, making it easier for players to use such utilities to their advantage.