Riot's competitive first-person shooter, Valorant, involves eight beautiful maps, each representing a real-life location. However, the current map rotation includes seven of them, including the brand new map Pearl. One of Valorant's iconic maps, Split, was removed from the rotation after Pearl's release, but it may return later.
Being a tactical shooter game, Valorant requires players to have intricate knowledge of every available map to give precise callouts. Players cannot choose a map at the beginning of a match, apart from custom mode. Instead, the game assigns a map to players randomly at the start of matchmaking.
Valorant's design team has displayed major skills over the years, providing players with in-game map experiences that are eye-catching and challenging. That said, the maps are not entirely perfect, and hence, the developers take their chances to fix things up once in a while.
Where are Valorant's maps based in the real world?
1) Pearl
The latest to join the game's map pool, Pearl, is based on Lisbon, Portugal. Pearl is the first map in Valorant to be located in the infamous alternate dimension, Omega Earth. The map's coordinates are 38°42'43"N 9°08'27"W, which points to the middle of Lisbon in the real world.

The design team has created a picturesque vision of what a tactical shooter may look like under the depths of the ocean. However, many are unhappy with Pearl's design, as it seemingly favors unpredictable flanks and the attacking side.
2) Fracture
Fracture joined the game's map pool with Episode 3, introducing players to a ruined research facility that is said to play an important role in Valorant's lore. It is the seventh map to be released in the game and is based on the real-life location of New Mexico, USA.

Fracture's coordinates, as shown during the in-game queue, are 35°48'BI" N 106°08'YQ" W, which is the location of Santa Fe, a popular city in New Mexico, and is located on Alpha Earth.
3) Breeze
Breeze was introduced to the game as part of Episode 2 and is one of the largest maps in the game. Due to Breeze's open space, players often tend to engage in more long-range fights than close collisions. The map's coordinates show up as 26°11'AG" N 71°10'WY" W.

While Breeze looks marvelous in all aspects, the best part of it happens to be the shore, which overlooks an endless ocean. The island seems to be based on a theoretical location, as its coordinates point to one of the most dangerous places in the world: the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic Ocean.
4) Icebox
The only map representing the harsh cold, Icebox is a location on Alpha Earth where Valorant's Alpha and Omega counterparts meet for regular battles. The map was added as part of Episode 1 Act 3 and also marked the introduction of horizontal ziplines to the game for the first time.

The map coordinates of Icebox point at 76°44'A" N 149°30'Z" E, indicating the location of Benett Island, Far Eastern Federal District, Russia.
5) Ascent
Ascent was the fourth map to be added to the rotation after Bind, Haven, and Split, which were made available during the game's beta phase. It was added as part of the Episode 1 Act 1 update, marking the game's official launch.

Ascent's features are quite unique, with mechanical doors and walls that can be penetrated by bullets. Such features fuel the need to carry an Odin, especially on the defense. Its coordinates point at 45°26'BF" N 12°20'Q" E, indicating San Marco, the heart of Venice in Italy.
6) Haven
The only map to feature more than two sites, Haven, is extremely unique, with players having to possess separate strategies for each of its three sites. It heavily favors the attacking side, but defenders can win fights with patience and good retake strategies.

Haven's design gives a spiritual vibe, with the B site resembling a deserted monastery. The map's coordinates point at 27°28'A" N 89°38'WZ" E, which indicates the real-life location of Thimpu, the capital of Bhutan.
7) Bind
Bind is the only map in Valorant that does not feature a mid-area, but is compensated by two teleporters instead. While teleporters make it easy to flank, using it gives away a prominent sound cue to all players in the game.

The map is dry and deserted, as some Agents like Viper and Cypher exclaim at the beginning of the match. Bind takes its inspiration from an arid land in the real world. Its coordinates point to 34°2'A" N 6°51'Z" W, which is the location of Rabat, the capital of Morocco.
8) Split
Split was removed from the map rotation after Pearl's introduction, which led to a lot of fans lashing out at Riot. It was a favorite map of many, and heavily favored the defense. However, the developers have hinted at its return in the future, giving fans a good ounce of hope.

Being a map from the beta period, Split could do better with some renovation and design updates. Split's coordinates point at 35°41'CD" N 139°41'WX" E, indicating the location of Tokyo's Shinjuku in Japan.