Valorant's new map, Pearl, has a lot of corners, which can be easily controlled by Viper if played effectively.
The underwater-themed Valorant map, which arrived in Episode 5 Act 1, has no special features like zip lines, teleporters, or ropes. Pearl is designed with a traditional three-way lane. Both sites have multiple entrances, hence one needs an efficient controller in the team, such as Viper.
Viper is one of the finest controller picks to play in Pearl. However, one needs to have a good knowledge of the lineups to play the agent effectively on this new Valorant map.
Viper Lineups to execute in Valorant's Pearl map
A Site Viper lineups

One of the closest and easiest ways to the A Site from Attackers Side Spawn is through A Main, but only when the site is well controlled. A Site has multiple corners that must be cleared before entering, allowing the defenders to hide.
However, smoke is one of the best ways to handle it. Viper's Toxic Screen and Poison Cloud are the two abilities a player can use to create a space for the team to enter the site swiftly and go ahead with the spike plant.

The player needs to stand at A Main and shoot the Toxic Screen so as to block the entrances from A Flower, A Link, and A Secret.
For the Poison Cloud, the player needs to step back and go to A Restaurant near the left corner and aim up, making the edge of the agent's (Q) Ability HUD touch the edge of the roof's slope. This will get the orb fall at A Dugout, covering the other side of the A Site.

Another ability of Viper that can be effective post-planting is Snake Bite. Soon after planting the spike, the player needs to move to A Main to execute the post-plant Snake Bite lineup in Valorant's latest underwater map.
To do so, the player has to stand near the back side of the A Main, in the left corner, and place the (Q) ability HUD on the pillar with the crosshair facing up.
B Site Viper lineups

B Ramp is a common entrance to the B Site in Valorant's new map. The long range area in B Main can be difficult to clear from a distance with the presence of multiple hiding spots for the enemies there.
However, Viper can block those areas, especially B Hall and B Screen with her Poison Cloud, and cover the B Tower with her Toxic Screen.

One can place the Toxic Screen from B Ramp in such a way to cover the B Tower and B Link as well. However, the Poison Cloud lineup can be a bit tricky.
The player needs to place the crosshair on the blue line above the B Hall's roof and throw it with a jump. This will block both B Hall and B Screen.

In Valorant, B Ramp is also one of the safest spots to execute a post-plant lineup. The player needs to go to the left corner at B ramp and place the crosshair high to make the (C) ability HUD touch the triangle-shaped roof slate's edge, and shoot it to make it land on the spike plant in front of the B Hall.