The crosshair is an integral part of the Valorant experience, as it can improve aim and affect performance directly.
Valorant has quickly grown to become one of the most played competitive FPS esports titles, with new players joining in the experience everyday. As a first-person shooter, gunplay is one of the major aspects of the game. To improve accuracy and the overall gameplay experience, the crosshair in-game is a major factor to consider. A well set up crosshair can feel fluid and help in a seamless performance, on the other hand, a poor loadout for the crosshair can feel clunky and slow down the player more than helping out.
Valorant has included a variety of crosshair customization options, including color, opacity, and border width, that allow players to build the crosshair that suits them the best.
Best Crosshair settings in Valorant

From in-depth graphical customization options to flexible payment methods, Valorant has boasted a wide selection of accessibility features since day one. That accessibility and the in-depth customization carry over into the crosshair settings as well. The Crosshair settings are subdivided into three sections, General, Inner Lines, and Out Lines. All combined, the sections allow a player to design the perfect crosshair suited for their style of gameplay.

The General setting is used for the overall color for the crosshair as well as the center dot and the outline opacity and thickness.
The suggested settings are as follows:
Crosshair Color: Pink
Outlines: On
Outline Opacity: 0.5
Outline Thickness: 1
Center Dot: On
Center Dot Opacity: 0.5
Center Dot Thickness: 2
Fade Crosshair With Firing Error: On
Show Spectated Player’s Crosshair: On
Disable Crosshair: Off
Inner Lines

The Inner Lines define the volume of the crosshair and help in aiming and controlling the spray.
The suggested settings are as follows:
Show Inner Lines: On
Inner Line Opacity: 0.8
Inner Line Length: 5
Inner Line Thickness: 2
Inner Line Offset: 2
Movement Error: On
Firing Error: On
Outer Lines

The Outer Lines define the volume of the crosshair and help in aiming and controlling the spray.
The suggested settings are as follows:
Outer Line Opacity: 0.25
Outer Line Length: 1
Outer Line Thickness: 2
Outer Line Offset: 1
Movement Error: On
Firing Error: On
Other than the crosshair, the General Mouse Settings also plays a big role in effective gunplay and accuracy in Valorant.
General Mouse Settings

The General Mouse Settings mainly focuses on mouse sensitivity and below are the suggested General Mouse Settings:
Sensitivity Aim: 0.5
Scoped Sensitivity Multiplayer: 1
Invert Mouse: Off
The settings mentioned for Valorant are more inclined towards general-purpose to design a crosshair that does not blend in the environment and isn’t big or clunky. Players should always consider their own gameplay style and preferences and tweak the suggested Valorant settings.