Valorant's new water-bending Agent, Harbor, is a versatile choice on every map in the game. However, there are a few situations where he outperforms the other Controller Agents. After all, he was created as a direct competitor of Viper.
One of the iconic maps, Ascent, has fostered a well-known Controller meta surrounding Omen and Astra for a long time. Brimstone is also a popular choice on the ranked ladder. However, Viper isn't considered an ideal Controller Agent on Ascent owing to her immobile wall and lineup-dependent poison cloud.
While players haven't been able to utilize Viper's Toxin Screen as effectively on Ascent and Haven, Harbor's flexible Hide Tide perfectly fits into the meta on these maps. His Cove is extremely easy to deploy, and players can easily wing lineups for it.
This article will showcase some of the most useful lineups for Harbor's basic and signature abilities on Ascent.
Here are the best Harbor lineups on Valorant's Ascent
Harbor's utilities force him to push onto sites aggressively as an attacker. This is because his High Tide and Cascade don't last long, and his Cove is destructible. One also requires timing and intricate coordination with teammates to play Harbor. Below, we have listed a few setups that you can try when pushing bomb sites on Ascent.
When pushing A-Site with Harbor, you can use your wall (High Tide) to cover all the critical angles overlooking the site. Deploy the High Tide to cover A Door and A Heaven (Rafters). You'll need to practice curving the wall at the right spots to master this lineup.

Use Harbor's Cove to smoke angles after you have entered the site. This ability is best used as a tool to create cover as and when required. However, you can use the Cove to cover A Heaven and Hell and facilitate a smoother entry for your team. To do this lineup, stand in this corner:

Place the center of the rectangular UI box on the left corner of the wall decoration, as shown in the picture below.

Do a jump-throw to smoke A Heaven and Hell for your team.

While pushing onto the site, use your Cascade to create a moving cover as and when required. Note that the Cascade lasts for five seconds after it stops. When entering the site, use your Cascade to clear angles and re-use the ability right before it reaches the rafters to create a stationary cover.

While attacking B-Site, use Harbor's High Tide to cover the B Market Door and CT Spawn. Stand in this corner of the B Lobby to deploy the wall:

You can also deploy the wall from B Link. However, players may be at risk from the midsection. Here's the wall:

This wall doesn't cover the shed's angle that many defenders tend to hold. You can use your Cascade to throw in some moving cover from that area or use an extremely useful Cove lineup. Stand near the 'Bait' in B Lobby and aim for this drainage structure:

Now, aim at the top of this bar:

Do a jump throw, and the orb will stand on top of the shed to provide your team with some nice cover.

Harbor's Cascade is also quite effective while pushing B-Site. Use the ability at B's Entrance and stop right when it reaches the left-hand side of the shed, as shown. This will allow you to sneakily enter the site.

You can also use the Cascade to cover CT-Spawn, the Market Door, or use it to clear the B Boathouse.
To gain mid-control, place your Cove at the junction of Catwalk and A Link. To do so, stand at this spot in B Link/Lobby:

Aim at the extreme point of the building structure:

Perform a simple throw, and the orb will land in the perfect spot to close off any enemy using snipers.

Defense (A and B)
When on defense, try saving Harbor's High Tide and Cove abilities for retakes. However, one can simply block off site entrances with Cove and High Tide to delay a push.

To retake A site, one may try dividing the site in half and clearing one side of it. Use Cove to defuse the spike or block the enemy's line of sight. Here are some examples of retake walls on A-Site that you can deploy from A Rafters:

Cascade is a great way to dumbfound attackers when they push into a site. If you see attackers pushing through A main, use Cascade to stop their plans and distract them enough to get a few kills. You can ask a Jett or Raze to aggress with their Ultimates as well.

Here's a cascade lineup for B Main (ask your Sova to throw in his ultimate for free kills or your Duelists to push):

Harbor's abilities can give rise to very creative plays in Valorant. His utility isn't built for structured lineups like that of Viper and Brimstone. However, knowing a few is definitely the best way to get started with the Indian Agent.