Valorant has enough Agents for seasoned players, beginner players, team composition, and even those looking to solo queue.
Players in Valorant can queue up with a party or simply alone to an unranked game, a competitive match, Deathmatch, or the Spike Rush mode. Spike Rush is fun and Deathmatch is a good warm up.
Most players opt to jump into unranked or the ranked competitive playlist. Doing so alone, especially with a random team who doesn't quite communicate, can be challenging. Thankfully, Valorant has a solid selection of Agents that can make the solo queue adventure much easier.
Best Valorant Agents for solo queue players

Cypher is an easy Valorant Agent to learn, but extremely hard to master. Those looking to queue up alone can select Cypher in order to aid the team. If a player is unsure of what the group of randomly selected teammates will pick, selecting Cypher is a good choice.
His abilities help out overall. He gives intel to the team, can prevent pushes, and can throw a wrench into the enemy team's plan. Selecting Cypher as a solo queue player is a safe option for those worried about the team not meshing well together.

Omen is another Valorant Agent that lets the solo queue individual be a real team player. While he can truly frag out with his Shrouded Step and Paranoia flash ability, Omen can deliver some seriously game changing placements.
His Dark Cover smokes regenerate and can block off exits, entrances, or be used to trick the enemy team. From the Shadows allows him to teleport to any location on the map. That can be used to meet up with the team or escape for an easy plant at another site.

While Raze doesn't have the amount of team friendly abilities as the other Valorant Agents listed, she will still benefit the team under the right player. Solo queueing players who want to play a little aggressively can put Raze to good use.
Literally all of her abilities explode. Paint Shells, Blast Pack, Boom Bot, and Showstopper deal massive damage to enemies. Solo queue as Raze and light up the scoreboard. There isn't really any better way to help the team than by dominating the opposition and delivering a victory.