Valorant is such a popular game that players want to jump in no matter what their setup is like.
In the age of ground-breaking technology, some players feel left out. Not everyone can afford massive PC setups that provide the latest in graphics, performance, and quality.
Thankfully, there are methods to make some of the best games work on a lower-end PC. Low-end PC users need not worry. Valorant can be run just fine with lower settings, still allowing players to click heads and take sites.
Best Valorant settings for a low-end PC
A lot of professional players actually play on the same settings that a low-end PC user would need. This happens across many different esports titles, including Valorant. The reason for this is to prevent any sort of lag, FPS drop, or distraction from the visuals.
While a low-end PC can be a vague term, the following settings can be safely assumed to work. One person's low-end PC could be another person's dream setup. It all depends on how the system works. Try these out and see if turning things up a bit still provides reliable gameplay.

- Resolution: Monitor's Native Resolution
- Display Mode: Fullscreen
Graphics Quality

- Material Quality: Low
- Texture Quality: Low
- Detail Quality: Low
- Vignette: Off
- V-Sync: Off
- Anti Aliasing: None
- Anisotropic Filtering: 1x
- Improve Clarity: On
- Experimental Sharpening: Off
- Bloom: Off
- Distortion: Off
- First Person Shadows: Off

- Client FPS: Text Only
These are the best settings for a low-end PC user to play Valorant. It will help the PC run smoothly without sacrificing too much in terms of game quality.
Always have Valorant run in Fullscreen mode. Select Low for the Graphics Quality settings. This will prevent FPS issues and, quite honestly, make it easier to notice enemies.
Lastly, the only real need in the Stats category is for Client FPS. This will tell the Valorant player if the game is having FPS issues. It will show what the current FPS is. Text only simply gives a number in the corner of the screen.