Valorant's Dimensional Drifter, Yoru, is one of the hardest Agents to master. Despite being a Duelist, his kit allows him to be a pretty versatile option. His pick rate in competitive gameplay might not be high, but when it comes to flashy plays and outsmarting your opponents in ranked, Yoru is by far the best Agent in the game.
His core ability, the teleport, has gone through a lot of changes since its release in Valorant, but after the addition of the "fake teleport," it has really reached its true potential. Let us have a look at five of his best teleport lineups on the brand-new map, Sunset, in Valorant.
5 best Gatecrash lineups for Yoru on Sunset in Valorant
1) B Main to A Alley

Stand at the far corner of B Main, as shown in the first image, and align your crosshair slightly to the left of the top left corner of the box, as shown in image #2.
Send out your Gatecrash, and it will go across the map towards A Alley. It is advised to try this lineup a few times to find your sweet spot, as the crosshair placement needs to be very accurate. Slight movement of your reticle might land you up in Defender side spawn or A Link (Pawn Shop) accordingly.

2) Mid to Defender Side Spawn

Position yourself at Mid stairs, as shown in image #1, and align your reticle with the intersection of the second and third glass windows as shown in the second image.
Your teleporter should make its way towards Defender spawn through B Market and B Boba. This lineup requires perfect crosshair placement as well, so keep trying if you fail in your first attempt.

3) B Main to B Back Site

Position yourself in the corner of B Main where the ultimate orb spawns, and aim as shown in image #2. Place your crosshair where the vertical line next to the lamp meets the horizontal line. Combine this teleport with your clone or a flash of some kind for maximum effect. You can use the following flash lineup if you wish to solo-entry.

4) B Main to B Boba

Stand in the corner of B Main, as shown in image #1, and position your crosshair slightly to the left of where the horizontal line meets the blue wall, as shown in image #2.
Let go of your teleporter, and it will travel directly to B Boba. Time your teleports perfectly and communicate with your team for a successful outplay in a round of Valorant.

5) A Elbow to A Alley (near Defender Spawn)

Position yourself in the corner of A Elbow according to the first image and place your reticle on the right corner of the triangle on the wall, as shown in image #2.
Your Gatecrash will travel all the way to the back of A Alley (near Defender Spawn). This teleport requires excellent timing and coordination with your team, or you will fail to get value out of it in a round of Valorant.

While the above-mentioned teleports are extremely useful, you are highly encouraged to come up with their own for more satisfactory gameplay. You should also remember that proper communication and team coordination is the key to success in Valorant.