Yu "BuZz" Byung-chul is among the most iconic South Korean Valorant players. He officially joined the main roster of T1 on October 15, 2024, and the team would soon go on to win the trophy at VCT Masters Bangkok 2025. Given his achievements, his Valorant settings may be of interest to fans of the VCT as well as those who look up to the player as a professional.
This article will go over all of BuZz's Valorant settings in-game as of the time of writing.
Note: The information provided in this article has been procured from prosettings.net
BuZz Valorant settings: In-game settings and peripherals
In the following sections, you will find the settings used by BuZz to play Valorant. This includes everything from his basic keybinds to his peripherals and crosshair configuration.
Mouse Settings
- DPI: 400
- Sensitivity: 0.57
- eDPI: 228
- Zoom Sensitivity: 0.8
- Hz: 1000
- Windows Sensitivity: 6
- Raw Input Buffer: On
- Color: White
- Crosshair Color: #ffffff
- Outlines: Off
- Center Dot: Off
Inner Lines
- Show Inner Lines: On
- Inner Line Opacity: 1
- Inner Line Length: 2
- Inner Line Thickness: 2
- Inner Line Offset: 2
- Movement Error: Off
- Firing Error: Off
Outer lines
- Show Outer Lines: Off
- Movement Error: Off
- Firing Error: Off
Crosshair Code
- 0;p;0;s;1;P;h;0;f;0;0l;2;0o;2;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0;A;o;1;d;1;0b;0;1b;0
- Walk: L-Shift
- Crouch: L-Ctrl
- Jump: Space Bar
- Use Object: F
- Equip Primary Weapon: 1
- Equip Secondary Weapon: 2
- Equip Melee Weapon: 3
- Equip Spike: 4
- Use/Equip Ability 1: E
- Use/Equip Ability 2: Q
- Use/Equip Ability 3: C
- Use/Equip Ability Ultimate: X
- Rotate: Rotate
- Fixed Orientation: Based On the Side
- Keep Player Centered: On
- Minimap Size:1.2
- Minimap Zoom: 0.95
- Minimap Vision Cones: On
- Show Map Region Names: Always
Video settings
- Resolution: 1280x960
- Aspect Ratio: 4:3
- Aspect Ratio Method: Letterbox
- Display Mode: Fullscreen
Graphics quality
- Multithreaded Rendering: On
- Material Quality: Low
- Texture Quality: Low
- Detail Quality: Low
- UI Quality: High
- Vignette: Off
- VSync: Off
- Anti-Aliasing: MSAA 4x
- Anisotropic Filtering: 8x
- Improve Clarity: Off
- Experimental Sharpening: Off
- Bloom: Off
- Distortion: Off
- Cast Shadows: Off
- Enemy Highlight Color: Purple (Tritanopia)
- Monitor: ZOWIE XL2546K
- Mouse: ZOWIE S2-DW
- Keyboard: Razer Huntsman V3 Pro Mini
- Headset: Razer BlackShark V2 Pro Black
- Mousepad: X-raypad Aqua Control+
BuZz is a proficient Duelist and has become known for playing as Jett. However, more recently, he has also been seen using other characters such as Neon, Yoru, and Raze.
In his most recent match against G2 Esports at the Grand Finals of VCT Masters Bangkok, he played as all four on different maps and helped his team emerge victorious.