Valorant is an FPS game with a lot of customizable options that add a bit of flavor to the game.
Riot is full of surprises and has hidden features in the game. From Sykkuno Inspired Lobster spray to creating a circular crosshair, the game always has something new to discover.
There are skins for different guns that can be purchased, skin upgrades, and gun buddies, all allowing players to show off their personalities and achievements within the game.
A viral TikTok video recently showed that a player can change the color of the text in chat. Players can just use HTML codes to change the color of their text while playing Valorant. Players can also add emojis just to make the chat look cooler.
Valorant: How to change chat text color
There are a total of five colors that can be changed just by using HTML codes. The colors that are available right now are red, blue, yellow, green, and pink. Different colors need different sets of HTML codes that need to be written by the players.
For example, to get the blue text, players need to input the following:
“<team>Text</>”.The “Text” should be replaced by whatever message players wants to send. This way players can get a colorful message.
The list of codes for different colors are as follows:
- Red: “<enemy>Text</>”.
- Blue: “<team>Text</>”.
- Yellow: “<system>Text</>” or “<self>Text</>”.
- Green: “<notification>Text</>”.
- Pink: “<warning>Text</>” or “<whisper>Text</>”.
How to use emoji in Valorant chat
To use emojis in chat, a player needs to combine the Alt key and a number on the keyboard. For example, when a player presses Alt + 3, a heart emoji will appear. Alt + 4 will result in a spade, and so on.
If a player presses Alt and two numbers at once (from the 10-99 range), a random emoji will appear. Players can now have a lot of fun playing with emojis and colored text in the Valorant chat.