Solo queuing in Valorant can be tedious, considering climbing the ranks requires team effort and coordination. However, one can also find themselves alone if they don't have friends who find Riot Games' shooter as fascinating as they do. There are a variety of ways players can find teammates for their matchmaking journey.
Since a new year has just begun, players can opt for a few efficient methods when it comes to looking for teammates to queue up in Valorant's matchmaking. Riot Games highly encourages them to find a stack so that playing competitively can become a lot easier.
As always, communication is also something that players must master when playing with a stack. The first step, however, involves finding teammates to play with. Let's take a look at how you can go about doing so.
How to use Discord to get Valorant teammates
The simplest method to build a Valorant squad is via Discord. There are a plethora of servers for Valorant's matchmaking where players are constantly on the lookout for teammates. One can simply enter one of these in order to find their perfect stack. Here is how you can utilize Discord to find teammates:

- Scroll down to the servers list in Discord till you find a 'compass' symbol, and click on it.
- Once the search bar appears, type Valorant or add LFG (looking for group) to it.
- You will find many servers for the search results, and you can pick any of them.
- Ideally, the first server is pretty popular for searching for teammates. Join it and read the rules.
- Once in, scroll down the LFG section for your respective region and type in the "!lfg" command and then type in the criteria for your team or people.
The steps mentioned above can easily help one meet better teammates online and make matchmaking easier. Apart from using Discord, there are other third-party websites available, such as They can customize their preferences based on their team composition and create a profile that they desire.
With that being said, there are endless options available when it comes to looking for a squad. Players who are interested in looking for more serious squad mates can also try out their luck on these platforms. With thousands joining the roster every now and then, it is much simpler now to look for teammates who have a similar mindset than one would expect.
Perks of a squad in Valorant
Solo queuing usually ends up mundane and stale over time. It also reduces the chances of winning games by a huge margin. It is recommended to find a decent stack before trying to climb the competitive ranks. Even a duo slot is better than having to play alone with five randoms.
A more recommended way to queue if one fails to find a full stack will be to get at least two extra teammates. If even three can fill in for essential roles such as a Controller, Initiator, and a Duelist, it will rapidly increase their chances of winning games.
Players can use all the available resources online to create the perfect team for their Valorant matchmaking journey. Competitive modes aside, they can also have a fun time making friends through gaming.