It has been over a year since Valorant was released, but a few of the game's inner mechanics are still mysterious to newbies. While most of Valorant's core game mechanics are similar to any other competitive FPS title, some features are tweaked to make the game unique and appealing to the newer crowd.
Since its release, Valorant has amassed a huge amount of gamers irrespective of the genres they were seasoned in. Players soon found themselves calling Valorant their home when it came to competitive gameplay.
Among these crowds, some remain oblivious to some of the inner workings of the game, and one question rings throughout the community: how long does it take to defuse the spike in Valorant?
How does the Spike work in Valorant?
The Spike in Valorant serves the same purpose as the bomb in CS: GO, an item around which the whole strategy of a team revolves. Every single map of Valorant consists of at least two sites where the attackers have to fight through the defenses to plant the Spike in any one of the designated plant spots.

Once the attackers secure the site, it takes four seconds to plant the Spike, and during this time, the agent planting the Spike will be completely invested in the planting process and the other teammates need to protect the planter.
After the plant, one of the hardest parts of being an attacker starts, the post-plant situation. During this time, the defenders try to retake the site in order to regain control over the site to defuse the Spike. Since everything revolves around the Spike, what happens to the Spike determines the result of each of the rounds.
Spike defusion in Valorant
Once the defenders secure the site, a player can start defusing the Spike. Other teammates should protect the diffuser during this time. But how long does it take for a player to defuse the Spike in Valorant? The answer is seven seconds.
Once a player starts to defuse the Spike, if kept uninterrupted, it takes seven whole seconds to defuse the bomb in total. Otherwise, the player can leave the Spike at half-defuse in order to pick up from where they left off after the situation is handled. It takes half of the total time to completely defuse the Spike if it is left at half-defuse.