Crosshair settings hold a lot of importance in an FPS tactical shooter game like Valorant.
The game has various opinions for crosshair customization, including color, borders, thickness, and opacity. This allows the players to customize their crosshairs. Customizing these settings improves the accuracy and overall gameplay experience. It increases the chances for the player to get easy headshot kills.
Crosshairs completely depend on one's personal preferences, and accordingly, they get the option to adjust in Valorant. The crosshair variation can range from a big cross to a dot, depending on the player.
Professional Valorant players have also got their own crosshair preferences. Many players like Spencer "Hiko" Martin, Tyson "TenZ" Ngo, Jaryd “summit1g” Lazar T1’s Braxton "brax" Pierce, and Tyler "Skadoodle" Latham are seen using a smaller crosshair in Valorant. One can have a small cross, or it can be a dot as well.
Smaller crosshair settings in Valorant
In the General settings section, the players are provided with a range of options for choosing the color for the crosshair and adjusting the opacity and thickness for the center dot.

- Crosshair Color: Green (depends on player’s preference)
- Outlines: ON
- Outline Opacity: 0
- Outline Thickness: 1
- Center Dot: ON
- Center Dot Opacity: 1
- Center Dot Thickness: 4
- Fade Crosshair with Firing Error: OFF
- Show Spectated Player’s Crosshair: ON
Inner Lines
The Inner Lines settings allow you to adjust the volume of the crosshair, which helps in aiming and brings control to the spray. If one wants a dot crosshair, they can remove the inner lines off.

- Inner Line Opacity: 0
- Inner Line Length: 0
- Inner Line Thickness: 2
- Inner Line Offset: 4
- Movement Error: OFF
- Firing Error: OFF
If the player prefers to make the crosshairs a little bigger, they can follow this setting:

- Inner Line Opacity: 1
- Inner Line Length: 6
- Inner Line Thickness: 2
- Inner Line Offset: 3
- Movement Error: OFF
- Firing Error: OFF
Outer Lines
The Outer Lines settings also allow for better aim and spray control.

- Outer Line Opacity: 0
- Outer Line Length: 0
- Outer Line Thickness: 0
- Outer Line Offset: 0
- Movement Error: OFF
- Firing Error: OFF
Players are recommended to find their own comfortable and preferred crosshair settings, depending on their gameplay style.