Team Liquid have to be hoping for a better 2021 as the Valorant Champions Tour approaches.
Team Liquid signing the fish123 roster was one of the biggest pieces of Valorant news as the competitive scene began to grow. Since that signing, however, they have been less than spectacular.
Liquipedia reported the earnings for the top 15 teams. In that, fish123 ranks in the top 10. Team Liquid, after having signed the Valorant squad, has not managed to make any moves toward topping this list. Something clearly needs to change.
How Team Liquid is Shaping Up for Valorant 2021 Champions Tour
One thing is for certain regarding the Valorant division of Team Liquid. They have nowhere near lived up to the expectations. Their roster is one of the most talented in the world, and not just in the EU scene.
The team lost in the Quarterfinals of First Strike to Team Heretics. Adil "ScreaM" Benrlitom absolutely dominated, but the rest of the team was lacking. The support was not there to make sure his dominance paid off.
ScreaM put up 89 kills in the sole series for Team Liquid during First Strike, with a single map 39 kill effort. That was enough to place him as number 12 in kills throughout the entire EU First Strike event. He is of a different breed.
Unfortunately, the remainder of Team Liquid were unable to capitalize on the fragging power of ScreaM. To put it simply, he deserves better. Team Liquid need to do something to keep ScreaM happy and give him a championship in Valorant.

The Valorant Champions Tour in 2021 is the perfect opportunity to do that. There needs to be some sort of Team Liquid shake up. Either the team needs to find the motivation to step up or some players need to be replaced.
It speaks volumes that some other teams, such as G2, have made roster changes and Team Liquid have not. This is a team that should have won a multitude of Valorant championships throughout 2020. It is obvious that TL is sticking with them for a reason after falling short a number of times.

In 2021, it has to be put up or shut up time for Team Liquid. The Valorant Champions Tour will give them plenty of opportunities to show off the top tier skill everyone knows they have. There is no in between. The future for Team Liquid is either very bright or very bleak.