After a long wait, Valorant finally revealed some of the details about the new agent, KAY/O.
Last month, in the State of the Agents, Valorant developers first confirmed that they will introduce a new agent in Episode 3 Act I. Keeping their word, Valorant devs are introducing KAY/O in next week's update.
Last week, they teased the new agent at the Summer Game Fest. Today, they revealed the abilities, gameplay and other details of KAY/O.
Abilities of KAY/O in Valorant explained:
Valorant developers revealed that they started making KAY/O after the release of the game. KAY/O is a robotic agent who has the power to suppress enemy abilities to cripple his opponents' capacity to fight back, securing him and his allies the ultimate edge.

All the abilities of KAY/O are explained below:
E: ZERO/point
Equip the suppression blade and throw the blade. The blade sticks to the first surface it hits, winds up, and it suppresses the enemies who are close to the radius of the explosion.
Valorant data miners earlier leaked footage where a blade was stuck into a box. It was KAY/O's ZERO/point ability.
Q: FLASH/drive
Equip the flash grenade and throw the grenade. Enemies will be blinded when the flash grenade explodes after a short fuse.
Players can throw a charged flash using Right Click. It will have a cooking time of 1 second. However, for Left Click it will have a cooking time of 1.6 seconds.

C: FRAG/ment
Equip an explosive fragment and throw the fragment. The fragment sticks to the floor and explodes multiple times. It causes high damage with each explosion.
X: NULL/cmd
Overloaded with polarized radianite energy. It empowers KAY/O so the he can cause large energy pulses to emit from its location. Enemies who are hit with these pulses will be suppressed for a short duration

However, KAY/O gains Combat Stim while overloaded, and if KAY/O is killed while overloaded, he is downed and enters a destabilized state which will allow his teammates to stabilize his core and revive him.