Riot Games will release a fascinating bundle for the Valorant community to celebrate the upcoming Valorant Champions 2022 tournament. The Champions 2022 bundle comes with many cosmetics for fans to grab this time around. The collection will be similar to the Champions bundle released last year, only this time it will feature the Phantom and a Butterfly Knife.
The bundle is set to be released in the in-game store by August 23 and will be available throughout September 21. Riot Games has mentioned that upon purchasing the bundle, 50% of the net proceeds from the Champions 2022 collection will go to the participating teams.
Developers have clarified that the bundle will not return to the Rotating Store or Night Market again. Since it is an XE (Exclusive Edition) tier bundle, players will only have one chance to grab it.
What will the Valorant Champions 2022 bundle include?
The Champions 2022 collection will include five cosmetic items: two weapon skins and three other cosmetics.

The bundle items are listed as follows:
- Champions 2022 Phantom
- Champions 2022 Butterfly Knife
- Champions 2022 Gun Buddy
- Champions 2022 Player Card
- Champions 2022 Spray
According to Art Lead Stefan Jevremovic, the development team could not create the idea they had for Champion's Aura back in 2021 due to time limitations. The bundle for 2022 will focus on all those things they were unable to release last year.
Champions 2022 Phantom
The Champions 2022 Phantom will be the only gun skin in the collection. The item will come with beautiful progressive kill animations explained by the developer mentioned above.
The skin will include the following levels for players to unlock through Radianite points in-game:
- Level 1 - Custom Champions 2022 model design; Champions 2022 logo design; glowing red bullets; custom ADS reticle
- Level 2 - Custom red muzzle flash in the shape of the VCT Spark logo; during inspect, the Champion’s 2022 anthem plays with a custom inspect animation; custom firing audio; when the player gets a kill, there is an on-kill effect which makes the Champions 2022 logo glow
- Level 3 - Finisher and Kill Banner
- Level 4 - This level contains the “Champion’s Aura,” which has 2 features:
- The Phantom has a golden glowing outline when the player has the most kills in the game (no ties)
- For every 5 kills, the gun's design "evolves" and red crystal shards incrementally fill the rifle, maxing out at 25 kills
Similar to Champions 2021 Vandal, Valorant will get another skin with exclusive features for players to enjoy with this collection.
Champions 2022 Butterfly Knife
The Champions 2022 collection will bring the fourth Butterfly Knife to Valorant. The Knife will feature a clean model design that will portray the Champions 2022 tournament.
The Knife skin will come with three upgradable levels that can be unlocked through Radianite points in Valorant:
- Level 1 - Custom Champions 2022 model design
- Level 2 - Custom gold VFX swipes, butterfly knife animations and looping animation
- Level 3 - This level contains the “Champion’s Aura,” which has 3 features:
- The butterfly knife has a gold glowing outline when the player has the most kills in the game (no ties)
- Every 5 kills, the blade's design "evolves" and red crystal shards incrementally fill the blade, maxing out at 25 kills
- When the player has 25 kills as well as the most kills in the game, they have a custom inspect animation that embodies what it means to be a champion
Player Card
A Trophy Player Card will be included in the collection for players to grab. The Trophy will signify the Champions 2022 tournament's winners and also dictate the same energy for players using the Card in-game.

Players will possibly be able to purchase this item separately from the bundle as well.
Other items from the Champions 2022 collection
Other items from the bundle will include a Gun Buddy and a player Spray. The looks of these items haven't been confirmed by Riot Games yet, but players can expect them to be close to the other items.
The Champions 2022 collection is expected to be an XE tier bundle, this means it will be much more expensive compared to the other tiers in the game.
Players can expect it to cost around 6265 VP upon release and will not be returning to the store or Night Market once it is gone. The bundle will be available in the Valorant store on August 23.