As is the case with every other online title, Valorant players are also facing connection issues when queuing up for matchmaking. According to recent reports from the game's community on Reddit, many are saying that they get stuck on the Agent selection screen whenever they are trying to join a match.
Some Valorant players say that they are getting penalized for abandoning the match when they are stuck on the Agent selection screen and are even facing disconnection issues out of nowhere, even though they have stable internet connectivity.
Riot’s first tactical shooter, Valorant is inspired by Counter-Strike and Overwatch, borrows several mechanics from these games such as gun mechanics, spray patterns, and the buy menu and faces the same server issues from time-to-time.
Valorant players are frustrated with getting penalized for increased loading time post Agent selection
Valorant isn’t perfect when it comes to having server problems and the the community is facing quite a few issues with the game’s loading time and connection. There are mass complaints from players around the world who are reporting longer loading time as well as players getting disconnected from matches.
These issues have piled up quite recently and the pressure is now on Riot Games to resolve these issues as soon as possible. There have been similar issues with the game since its launch in June 2020, but Riot promptly resolves them after making an official statement.
A post was made on Valorant's subreddit recently that asked other players if they were experiencing longer loading time after Agent selection in recent games. Quite a few other players confirmed that they were indeed facing the same issue, with some even getting disconnected from the servers.
Quite a lot of players have expressed similar sentiments on the subreddit, including things like chat delays to slower than usual texture loading in the game.
It is quite unclear whether the issue is a server side issue at Riot’s end or if it is due to the recent 4.11 patch. Some players believe that this is a result of Riot experimenting with how the loading works in the recent patch. Whatever the root cause of the issue, players hope that Riot addresses the issue and resolves it as soon as possible.
The developers at Riot Games are usually pretty quick to handle these issues and hopefully these will be resolved before players are forced to take a long break from the game.