in Valorant, an option to view teammates' preferred agents for each map could drastically improve teamwork and communication in solo queue lobbies.
Agent selection is a vital part of a Valorant match. The usefulness of an agent’s abilities varies on different maps. Similarly, a well-balanced team of agents is useful for a match.
A Reddit user suggested adding the option to select preferred agents for a map. This would aid a lobby of players to function as a team.
Preferred Agents can improve solo lobby teamwork in Valorant
Currently, there are 13 agents, each with unique abilities, to choose from in Valorant. The 14th agent is scheduled to join the roster only in January.
Other than the unique abilities, agents are divided into four categories based on the suggested playstyle. The categories are duelist for engaging the opponents head-on, Sentinels to defend a site, Initiator to gather information and help the push, and Controller to block off line of sight and offer support.
Balancing a team with proper agents and having open communication is essential for a victory in Valorant. Not every player is comfortable playing with every agent. Many times, a player may select an agent they are comfortable with in haste, but that agent might not be useful to the team.
Redditor u/EhToTheTee has suggested a useful solution to improve team communication during agent selection. His solution is essentially having a preset of 3 agents with which the player is comfortable, which appear beside the player’s in-game icon.

This would help the players in a solo queue lobby understand their fellow teammates' playstyle and select their agent accordingly.
Redditor u/EhToTheTee later added that the preferred agents should be unique to each map, and that there should be a 15 second buffer time to review the team’s agent preferences and discuss, rather than instantly locking in.
u/BlackThundEr_39_v2 said:
They (Riot Games) can let us choose our preferred class like sentinel, duelist, etc.
The preferred class selection solution is similar to the role selection system in League of Legends, by the same developer Riot Games. Role Selection is also confirmed to be appearing in League of Legend: Wild Rift.
Preferred Agent selection may not be an immediate requirement, but quality of life additions like these are often the difference a good game and a great one.